Chapter 1: Agreement

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This story begins in a large open cafeteria, with heavily armed guards standing guard by every door and vent. They watched the intimates as they got their lunch. Though these intimates weren't the intimates that you think they are, they are all test subjects, either abducted or willingly signed over to this organization. Some of these intimates were very unstable after a few got back from specific tests. None of them know the true intentions of why they're there and what experiment will they be subjected to. The ones who willingly joined were either young adults for their purposes or kidnapped civilians ranging from kids to adults.

One such kid taken into this unknown project was a boy with white hair, one day he was just walking home when he was suddenly taken out of the blue and sent here. He's not treated as a prisoner, nor is he exactly free. The whole facility is underneath a secret island in the middle of nowhere. He and the other test subjects have free range for the most part with them not being able to enter higher access rooms or restricted areas, or just leaving in general.

But what is the experiment you ask? Well none of them know for certain either. As far as they knew some type of drugs will be injected into them and the scientist will see if the serum interfuse with their bodies, or leave them mutated, disfigured, insane, or just dead. There was a pattern to most of this, however. While a few went in and came out pretty quickly they were alright, the other group would take up to several hours or a day to finish and half of the candidates return and they look worse for wear.

If one has to guess one process is a lot easier than the other project. Nothing none of them could do about it. Whatever this organization was it had the green light from every government there to complete its project, but who is in charge of all of this?


"Unlike the Eternal compound, the celestial serum is more...violative than the origin" Spoke a dark-skinned man wearing glasses. "Testing it out on adults would kill them outright. Teenagers will reject the serum and of course, nothing good will follow that, what we need is newer."

"I'm well aware of how the compound is, I did help create it after all." Spoke to a scientist. "Though the celestial serum is so little on quality. There's no way for us to get more at the moment and it may take years to make our version of it."

"Yes I'm well aware of it and I believe there is a better use for the Celestial serum to work. We need new super soldiers for this war." The first man said as he placed down a vial and fixed his glasses. "We are creating some but it's nowhere near what we're looking for or want."

"And what is it that you're looking for?" The scientist asked.

Then he simply fixed his glasses once again and looked at the scientist.

"I'm looking for strong, competent, and more controllable super soldiers. The first batch we had years ago was...unruly to say the least. Not all of them were good." The man said as he turns to a statue that was in the room. "Such heroes as the possibly mechanical hero Vanguard who disappeared quickly as it appeared. No one knew of it was human, or machine, if it was man or woman, but what we do know is that it helped, and above all followed orders."

"So you want soldiers without free will?" The scientist narrows his brows.

"No not at all, with free will comes creativity, and with creativity comes better results in most cases. If some soldiers were in a bunker, being pinned down and had several nonregulated objects to use to either escape or fend off their enemies, would the nonfree will soldiers do anything?" The man asked.

The scientist now quirked a brow. "Well there are many variables to "

"You maybe have a captain who orders his men to stick to the plan or force them to do every single thing by the book, whereas the ones with much more free will would think of something that the others would not." The man said. "I simply need them to be controllable, we both know what happened to the first batch of super soldiers. When they were deployed they were reckless, got many soldiers and civilians killed."

"I understand sir. What should we do with the...compounds?" The scientist asked.

"You may use them as see fit, or combine the two and make something, more original." The man says with a smirk. "After all, we do have the time to perfect this, don't we?"

"Yes sir, we'll get on it right away." The scientist said.

"I'm glad we reached this outcome." The man stood up and both of them shook hands.

And as they shook hands the work went into overdrive. Trying to produce the best superhuman and give him a team that would follow him into battle, is the perfect team to call in once things get too dicey for normal situations. While everyone worked on that one particular scientist decided to do his test on one child, he believed that the child is compatible with the project he was planning to do. No one knew exactly what he would do or how he would go about it but he did move him away from the site to conduct this experiment.


"So sir. Do you think this one would work?" A minion asked.

"No, but it could quite possibly work out this time around" He picks up a clipboard and begins to write. "This child could accept the treatment more than the others had, and if all goes well once the inhibitor clip is installed he would be completely loyal."

"How would said chip work?" The minion asked.

"A simple button once activated he would carry out his assignment, the brain triggers the response of any emotion he may feel when doing the task. Like a machine but much better." The scientist explains as he looked up at the boy who was strapped in a chair. "His name is Lincoln...Load?"

"I think it's Loud sir." The minion corrected.

"Whatever, as of now his last name does not matter, now come, let us begin the experiment."

(Hey everyone! Guess who's back and with a new story! This guy! Now I knew before I always said I'll be returning and I never did, the truth was I kinda lost passion for making loud house content for a bit and I didn't like most of my old things. What I did was usually short, not fleshed out, and was made mainly due to inspiration from another story but lacked the good build-up since I've tried to be as good as what I was inspired by, which was not good. Another thing that stopped me was posting on another site which is part of the reason why I was so well...not passionate about the loud house things. I've been improving my art more and more to make a webtoon of two things I wanna do and my art did well, improve a lot from the things y'all been seeing through the years of sticking with me.

So what to expect from this story? Well think of this like my loud light story, and omegacrow-nexus Loud ops story...there will be much more differences from loud light, for one the beginning is not tied to no such luck and that's all you could see. This was is more so an extreme what if too loud light, or a silver timeline. So expect the cool action scenes, characters with powers, and other things. I was going to make a poster for this story but got side track with my art, I also wanted to post the first chapter to let y'all know I'm still in it, and here's one piece of artwork I made which postpone this, not the last one but one of the latest. Hope y'all enjoy, Iceking out!

 Hope y'all enjoy, Iceking out!

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