ch.3 Smurfs to the rescue

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(Forgot to add that gargamel is famous in paris)

*After the smurfs entered the portal all of them come out of the portal at the same time*

Victor: "AHHHHH"

*they all scream as they see someone who they've never seen before*

*victor then grabs a lightsaber and tries to hit them but before he could patrick stops him*

grace: "VICTOR NO THEY'RE FRIENDLY!"  *goes infront of the smurfs*

Patrick: "They're smurfs victor and they're not gonna hurt us!"

Victor: "SMURFS???" *confused*

grace: "Yea they're smurfs and they are the most cutest creatures" *goes and grabs clumsy*

smurfstorm: "HEYY put him back down!!!"

grace: "Oh and who must you be?" *confused*

Clumsy: "Oh thats smurfstorm! shes one of the smurfettes!" *smiles*

*grace then puts down clumsy and sees other smurfs she's never met before*


grace: "Hi smurfblossom i'm grace nice to meet you too!" *smiles*

Papa: "Master winslow!"

patrick: "Hi papa what are you guys doing back here?"

Papa: "well smurfette and smurfsoul got smurfnapped and we think gargamel is behind it"

Patrick: "wait smurfette and who?"

papa: "smurfsoul she's one of the new smurfs that came into our village!"

patrick: "ohh! and who are these other new smurfs?"

Papa: "Oh, well this is willow she's the leader of the smurfettes! and those are her girls smurfstorm and smurfblossom"

*willow, smurfstorm and smurfblossom all say hi to patrick*

Patrick: "Hi, i'm patrick nice to meet you guys"

papa: "and this is handy and hefty, they're twin brothers"

handy: "Nice to meet you"

hefty: "Hey"  *crosses arms*

Patrick: "hey nice to meet you guys"

papa: "And over there is vanity the one looking at himself in the mirror and of course you know brainy and clumsy"

blue: "smurfs!!"

papa: "is that blue!?" *smiles*

clumsy: "He's huge haha!"

grace: "yea he's grown ever since you guys last time came!"

papa: "haha well we just wanted to ask you guys if you guys are willing to help us get back smurfette and smurfsoul and help us find gargamel"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2022 ⏰

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