Chapter 1

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Present day. Winter. Tokyo

Jay hated winter more than any other season. sometimes he hate all season except springs

He hated the cold naked nights, hated the cold more obvious as how lonely it felt in emptiness of the apartment... without him.

He hated autumn too... it seemed to remind him of how the cold was approaching and it made him nostalgic to watch the falling leaves from the trees... leaves that had once held so much meaning than simple cold.

He came to hate the summer too, it was way too hot and it reminded him of things he should've forgotten by now, it seemed to remind him of better days and he couldn't find it in himself to feel happy about what was once. Summer came charged with the memories of ripeness, rosy cheeks and those stupid doe eyes. 

He hated spring too . It was his after all... it was his best season; the one he picked to match the colorful landscapes back home. He liked to colorful clothes and the joyful atmosphere But the fact remained: he hated winter more than any other season...


He frowned and tried to snuggle closer to warmth only to have his body met cold sheets. His eyes opened slowly and the sight of white covers made him sober up as he pushed his body from the cold bed... he really hated winter.

"Fuck..." He mumbled feeling the numbness of cold seeping into his bones and making every movement feel like torture.

"Yeah, good morning to you too..." Said someone from the door of the bedroom and he turned with narrow eyes to see a man there, skinny and frail looking, wild blonde hair and piercing black eyes. Akira was nothing but a commodity... a beta that bent more to his omega nature. "I made coffee. Come have some so you can leave." He said and jay cursed again as he moved to sit on the mattress' edge.

He reached for his pants on the floor and pulled out a packet of cigarettes and a lighter. He put the cig on his lips and lit it hearing a groan of complain.

"Don't smoke in my bedroom." Akira said angrily and Jay sipped and blew the hot smoke while holding his gaze; he realized the large hoodie Akira was wearing was his.

"Hand me that." He motioned for the hoodie and Akira  unzipped it without a worry even though that left him completely naked. His skin did not faze jay. Akira threw him the garment and he grabbed it.

He stood from the bed and found his boxers next to his pants. He pulled both pieces on his legs ad over his hips and then buckled his belt before expelling another cloud of smoke while he looked for his shirt.

"You know what... Fuck you. Just get dressed and get the fuck out." Akira said and Jay nodded while he searched for his things. He found his black shirt under a chair and quickly pulled it on, then grabbed the hoodie and pulled it on as well.

"Fucking cold." He groaned as he walked out of Akira's bedroom and found his beanie on the couch's back. He pushed it down his black hair and over his ears. "I fucking hate winter." He grumbled again as he slipped on his shoes.

He was about to open the door when a mug flew by his head and broke against the wall next to the door. He stared at the pieces and then turned to look over his shoulder. Akira was still naked, his cheeks blushed and completely enraged.

"What?" Jay asked as if he was nothing but a nuisance.

"You're a cold bastard!" Akira snapped angrily and jay nodded and then turned fully to face him.

"I told you before, Akira. If this is just not for you then don't come looking for me. I don't fucking care." He said seriously and watched as Akira fell on his knees with his face buried in his hands.

It was a sad scene and jay was a cold bastard, but still... He sighed and walked back, grabbed the quilt he had on the couch's back and draped it over Akira's shoulders before kneeling in front of him.

"Get yourself a boyfriend." He said softly and next thing he knew Akira had slapped him hard enough to make his cheek sting. "Yeah... I guess I'll see you around." He said and Akira pushed him.

"Fuck you, Jay!" He yelled and Jay nodded, this time he didn't stop and simply walked out of the apartment.

He rubbed his hands together as he made his way down the building, always grimacing when a shiver made him tremble. He hated winter too much. He tried to jog up a bit, but his limbs felt frozen and it hurt too much.

"Fucking winter"


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2022 ⏰

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