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After the conversation with Dad and Naruto, they finally leave, which is a relief. They can be a bit overbearing, and sometimes I just need space to figure things out on my own. I head back to the center of the training ground, where Kawaki, Sarada, Mitsuki, and Boruto are all sitting around, seemingly waiting for me.

"And here I thought you'd be training instead of waiting for me to come back. Did you miss me that much?" I say with a cocky grin, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night," Boruto retorts, getting to his feet. He's always quick with the comebacks, but I'm not one to back down.

"Well, you're no better either, Boruto," I reply, barely holding back a laugh. "You're the type of person to watch someone sleep." The absurdity of the statement catches everyone off guard, and I can see Mitsuki trying to suppress a chuckle.

"Tsk, idiot," Boruto mutters, rolling his eyes, but I can tell he's not actually offended. It's just our usual banter.

I walk over to a nearby tree and take a seat, stretching my legs out in front of me. "Okay, Mitsuki, Sarada, Boruto," I start, watching them gather around, "you three will be practicing against each other in rounds. First, it'll be Mitsuki and Sarada, then Boruto and Mitsuki, then Boruto and Sarada. Here's the format: start with Taijutsu for 5-7 minutes, then switch to Ninjutsu until you can't go any longer. Take a 30-minute break between rounds. Got it? Good." I don't wait for questions; I give them the information, and that's that.

"Oh, and one more thing," I add with a mischievous grin. "If any of you try to kill each other, I'll put you in my Genjutsu. And believe me, my Genjutsu is not for the light-hearted."

They exchange looks, clearly a bit startled by my last statement. Good. They should take this seriously. I've earned my reputation as a formidable Genjutsu user, and I don't need to explain myself to them. Not entirely.

One of my solo missions revealed my Mangekyo Sharingan abilities. The right eye grants me Amaterasu—the same black flames Dad has. But I can control them, extinguish them, and change their form. It's a terrifying ability, but useful. My left eye, though... it's the one that connects to Haruka's death.

When I spoke to Lord Hokage about my last Anbu mission—the one where Haruka died—I told him it was the enemy we were supposed to assassinate that killed Haruka. He believed me, and I asked him not to tell anyone about my Mangekyo Sharingan or how I got it. He agreed, and he's kept his word. But it still haunts me, the truth I keep buried. The price of the Mangekyo Sharingan is heavy, and I don't wish it upon anyone.

My left eye has an ability that isn't exactly Genjutsu, but it's close enough. I discovered it on a mission when I used it against an enemy, giving them a tiny scratch, and they screamed like I'd been torturing them for hours. The cut felt like weeks of pain, they said. I decided to name this ability Kuraokami. It has two distinct powers: Manipulation and Perception of Time. It's not something I use lightly.

I hear the others gulp in fear after mentioning my Genjutsu warning. Good. It's essential they understand the boundaries. As I start to walk back to my spot by the tree, I notice Kawaki standing a few feet away, watching. He looks so empty as if he's missing something deep inside. I want to help him, but I don't know how.

I hesitate for a moment before walking up to him. Why do I feel so nervous around him? There's this strange feeling, like all the strength I have drains out when I'm near him. Not in a bad way—more like my guard comes down. The butterflies in my stomach, the slight tremble in my fingers. Does he feel that too?

I reach out and softly grab Kawaki's hand, gently pulling him toward the tree where I was sitting. His hand feels warm against mine, but as I glance back over my shoulder, I notice his eyes laced with confusion. Does he not like it? Did I make him uncomfortable? Or maybe he just doesn't like me? The thought sends a pang through my chest.

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