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Ellie's POV
3 weeks later

'Fuck I hate this place' I think to myself as I walk out of my therapists office

I walk to my car and drive home I walk inside and get a phone call

"Hey el we have a problem" Nya says over the phone "Nya you need to sleep" I say "no I'm serious"

"Ok so what's the problem" I mumbled "so you know the guy I've been talking to he's having a party and I need you to come with me" she says "I'm not going to someone's stupid high school party" I say going to the backyard

"But whyyyyyyy" she whines "do you remember what happened last time" I say bending down and petting my dog Dyson yes like the vacuum suck my dick "yes but-" I cut her off "but nothing" I sit on the patio furniture "I promise I won't leave you I promise"

"You know damn well you will" Dyson jumps onto my lap "I won't please I'll let you put me on a leash and I'll even crawl on all for- 

I cut her off again "fine but don't leave me alone" I replied quickly "yay yay yay ok come pick me up at 8" I roll my eyes as she hangs up

                     Time skip
"ok el I'm going to have to call you back my mom is calling me" she states in a hushed tone "ok tell Jada I said hi" I say hanging up

I get in my car and head to my boyfriends house once I arrive I get out and go inside because I have a key I walk in and hear low moans and I run to his room and I see jay on top of him "Wow" I say in a harsh tone "oh El it's not what it looks like " he says covering his self with the sheet "well what it looks like is my best friends abusive boyfriend is sleeping with my hoe ass boyfriend so if that's not what's happening please explain what's going on cuz if your gay cool but him wow" I say "James I'm so done with your shit you to can have each other and jay no need to keep leading Nya on I'll tell her myself" I say walking out the door.

I get in my car driving to Nya's house I get out my car and nocking on the door she opens the door "hey el what's up" she says letting me in I walk into the living room and sitting on the couch next to her mom "Nya we have to talk about jay-" she cuts me off "lesson El I know you care about me but this is my relationship and I don't need your help" she says harshly "now Nya I told you to stop cutting people off" her mom says "no its fine miss Wilbert I'll let her find out bye herself" I say leaving closing the door behind me getting in the car and driving home
                     Time skip
Me and nya are at the party now even though we're not really on speaking terms but I didn't want her to go alone

And as I suspected she's gone I put my drink down i the kitchen and go to look for her

After looking everywhere for her and finding her half naked on a pool table I go back to the kitchen and grab my cup and take a few sips

I'm driving home so I'm just Drinking cranberry juice I see a few of my old friends laughing in the dining room area and ignore them

We're not friends anymore because when I came out as bisexual and then started dating a guy they all said I was faking it like how half of them faked cancer

I sit on the counter because I start to feel drowsy and my vision go's fuzzy shit everything go's black and I hear a familiar voice

"what's happening you ok love" the person says and puts two of her fingers on my neck "ok she's alive" they say under there breath

"Ok I'm sorry but the only way I know you'll be safe is if I take you with me I'm not kidnaping you why am I talking to you you can't hear me" they pick me up and take me some where and I lose concussions completely

A/N                                                                                                                                                                                             I'm sorry I have not been updating in a long time I completely forgot this app existed         

:) -M

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