Chapter one! (May be edited!)

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El was walking in the Forest around 1:00 at night, She reaches a store that is open all night and she walks in with no money and a dirty dress. She goes over to the Freezers, And grabs 4 boxes of eggos🧇. People around her look at her confused and a worker there says: "where are your parents? Also u need to pay for them! They will be: €6.78, $6.78, ¥6.78, £6.78!" She doesn't say anything and walks out the shop with all the boxes of eggos. Workers run out shouting stuff like "COME BACK! YOU NEED TO PAY FOR THOSE!" But she starts running towards the forest once again. She is near a river but there she finds a log and some trees, she eats some eggos and falls asleep. The next day she has some eggos and walks through the forest and Hopper finds her. He says El?! Is that you and she nods.

CHAPTER 2 OUT SOON! 😊 also please subscribe to my yt: erwn ackermann, and follow my tt: why.d1d_1.b0th3r! :D Have a good day/night and I hope u enjoyed chapter one! 🤗

El with eggos 🧇 himasnake123Where stories live. Discover now