Intro and how you died :p

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Okay, so sorry if there is no book cover for this, story and mostly I want this to be so interactive for you guys, also this is my first story I've made so I'll try use the correct spellings as much as I can, okay I one last thing to say instead of  'y/n' I'll be using '___' so I hope you don't mind that so I'll stop rambling and I'll get to the story, good luck  #O-O#


You walk through piles and piles of dead bodies sliced in half while being shaped like a snowman, you felt the joy finally come to you as you start to giggle, you've always been fond of hurting people to feel happy, seeing them cry was like music to your ears, pushing them into the ground always a giggle you would make, but killing them or cutting them... It was a whole new story it would be like someone was tickling you but never stopped.

You then heard sirens, you ran but you hear them catching up to you, you then stopped you then thought about hell and how how fun or painful it would be, police got and slammed you're body against the floor, you couldn't breathe, move, or anything you just accepted it.



Gender: (it is up to you)

"This isn't the end yet, just wait and see..."

[@ newbie @] (Hellvea boss x reader) [CANCELED!]Where stories live. Discover now