14| You like her

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Adedayo watched from the third seat row where he sat in front. Rose walked down the aisle. Her wedding dress, a perfect angel white sequined mermaid dress with a long trail behind. Her smile was wide. Her teeth shone like pearls behind her veil. The red roses in her hands compensated her overall regardless of it not being real. His gaze followed her until she stood by the side of her husband-to-be and they fell while he gulped down.

The pastor began the sermon and soon, they were exchanging vows and rings. Adedayo took in a rather deep uncomfortable breath at the sight of it. One might say this was a clear torture of himself but somehow, he didn't see it that way. Rose had invited him to her wedding with good intentions in mind. It would be evil of him to tear the invitation card and sit home while cursing her union with another man.

The reception venue was a few walks from the church. Rose and her husband danced to a slow song on the dance floor and everyone watched in awe. Adedayo opened the bottle of water in front of him and gulped down some of it. His gaze fell on the couple again. He hated this feeling. Why wouldn't it stop? He should be over her by now. Wasn't that how it worked? Acceptance was the key to moving on. Fine. He has accepted it all. The brewing fire in him should've quenched by this time.

Joy, who had her arms crossed below her chest, leaned forward, her head turned to him whilst gradually leaning closer so his face was in her view. Once, he'd sighted her face, looked away and returned his gaze to her right away. "Is... Is something wrong?'

Her lashes battered a few times before she spoke. "You like the bride, don't you?"

Dayo looked away from her, gulping and evidently jittery for a moment. "What? ... please, be careful with your words."

"Hmm... So, you do like her." She concluded and leaned back into her seat.

Adedayo drew in a deep breath and looked at Joy. He wished she wouldn't say that out loud where anyone could hear her.

"Did she dump you for him?"

"No. We were never in a relationship. Please, let's stop talking about this." Dayo told her in a low voice.

She delicately rubbed her chin. "I think I understand. Two things. It's either you told her how you felt and she ignored you or you didn't tell her at all."

Dayo barely made eye contact with her. "How do you know such things? I thought you have amnesia."

She scoffed. "I have lost memories, not lost sense of reasoning." She drew her seat closer. "Tell me, why didn't you tell her how you felt."

He looked at her strangely and her gaze only exposed her anticipation for his reply. To be honest, he never imagined her as the talking type at all. In fact, he could see she was finding comfort with being around him and was slowly coming out of her shell. That, he was happy about. Now, he would just prefer it if she remained as quiet as when he'd first met her.

Adedayo stood on his feet. "I'll get us something to eat."

She leaned back into her chair, narrowing her eyes at him and disliking his way of ignoring her question. Yes, she was curious. Somehow, she needs to understand and know him better but he was good at preventing that from happening. It made her wonder how long he has been this way. How many years of practice did it take him to become perfect in it?

A woman leaned closer from across the table. "You're his plus one, aren't you?"

Joy raised her brows in confusion. "Sorry?"

The woman's eyes widened a little, hoping for her to catch on quickly. For a moment, Joy's eyes shifted to Dayo who stood in front of the buffet area.

"Oh, yes. I guess so."

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