Chapter 11 In the storm

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When the storms of life become so loud that it reaches a point of deafening, that you find stillness that deepens and you can hear a ringing in the ears. If allowed it can overwhelm us.

In figure skating, dizziness is prevented by focusing on a fixed point. Keeping the head from spinning, preventing the world from spinning through the eyes of the skater during a spin. TRUST Jesus, fixing our eyes on Him, by meditating on his Word and praying, keep the worldly system from creating confusion.

The flesh seems predesigned to fight or flee. After consistent, prolonged training a soldier is programmed to resist the automated responses of the body. To wait and only act on the command received from his leader, even at the midst of a war. The Father's will is always perfect. His thoughts are above our thoughts. His ways are far above our ways. Listen and obey the Holy Spirit, which is exempt from law. Practice it constantly, until it becomes second nature.

During a storm a chicklet find shelter under the mother's wings. The hen will be stable to protect her chiclets even if it means it can lead to her own death. No matter what, the Word is truth. God is not man that He should lie. He is faithful and will protect His children no matter what comes. He will never leave nor forsake His children.

Life is Christ and death becomes gain. While we live, we only live for Christ, His glory and His honor. When our physical bodies die, we inherent eternal life. We do not grieve death as others do, for we know eternal life with Christ is our destiny and that we will be reunited in the life hereafter.

When a ship is in the ocean it throws it's anchor out, and is at a fixed point. When a storm comes the ship is moved. Yet the more it is moved, the tighter the grip becomes from the anchor at the oceans floor. Serving and worshipping the Lord at the midst of a storm. Speaking in unknown tongues strengthens our faith and edifies our spirit man.

That is how we endure, survive and overcome the wars and storms that come into our lives. While all is calm and peaceful, we practice and strengthen that which God placed in us. No one is exempt from the storms of life, all experience it. But what we kept ourselves busy with before the storm came, determines the peace during the storm and the outcome.

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