Part II - The Game - Chapter 8

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Did I know where he'd lead me to?
Did I plan
Doing all of this for the love of a man?
Well I let it happen anyhow
And what I'm feeling now
Has no easy explanation
Reason plays no part
Heaven help my heart

Lyrics from "Heaven Help My Heart" from Chess by Benny Anderson, Tim Rice and Björn Ulvaeus

* * * * *

The next morning at breakfast, Harry and Draco exchanged several subtle glances and secret smiles from across the Great Hall. But Harry quickly realized that he was going to have to be very careful where he looked, and for how long, because Seamus had him under close surveillance. Seamus was determined to discover the identity of Harry's mystery girlfriend. Harry had some fun after that, letting his gaze linger longingly on several girls he didn't know at the other house tables, and only in between them, on a certain blond Slytherin.

After breakfast, Harry, Ron, and Hermione left the Great Hall together for Potions class. They were almost down to the dungeons, when Harry was suddenly, and quite rudely, jostled from behind. At the same time, he felt an affectionate caress against his side. "Must you block the hall, Potter," said a familiar drawling voice in his left ear, "and make everyone else late as well?"

Harry dodged sideways as Draco elbowed past him. "Missed me, Malfoy!" taunted Harry, as Draco swept ahead. He put a hint of a question in the teasing words that he knew only Draco would catch.

They were just outside the door to the Potions classroom when Draco whirled around. His eyes met Harry's with a devious glint. "I want a word with you, Potter," he said. "Alone."

"Harry, no way," warned Ron seriously. "Don't listen to him. Don't you remember what happened yesterday?"

Harry stopped right in front of Draco and let his bookbag drop to the floor. Oh God, yes, I remember what happened yesterday. He leaned up against the wall facing Draco, his eyes riveted on the Slytherin. "Go to class, Ron," he said. "I can take care of him – "

"Harry," said Hermione firmly, in a tone that Harry and Ron now jokingly referred to as The Head Girl Voice. "This is not a good idea." She looked sharply at Draco. "Neither of you can afford to get in trouble again for fighting."

Harry tore his eyes from Draco's for a second to look at his two friends, but before he could say anything, Draco turned to face Hermione. Harry glanced back at Draco and had to stifle a grin. The look of absolute innocence on Draco's face could have graced an angel.

"Trust me, Miss Granger," said Draco, quite solemnly, as he laid his hand meaningfully over his prefect badge. He cut his eyes over to Harry for a split second. "On my honor as a prefect," he continued, facing Hermione again with the most perfect expression of purity and goodness on his face that Harry had ever seen, "my intentions concerning Mr. Potter do not even remotely resemble fighting."

Harry choked back a laugh, then grinned at Draco, unable to cover up his reaction to that statement.

"Surely there's no rule against me talking to Potter, here," continued Draco, turning his innocent gaze on Harry, ". . . assuming he's agreeable."

Harry was aware that Hermione had turned to look at him, but he was caught up in Draco's eyes, unable to look away from the other boy, who was looking back at him now, grinning too, one dashing eyebrow up, an expression of devilish amusement replacing the cherubic innocence of only a second ago. God, he is so gorgeous. As coolly as he could manage, Harry said, "I don't think it would hurt for me to hear what he has to say."

"Well . . ." said Hermione, looking from Harry to Draco and back as if they were a puzzle she was trying to work out. "If you're sure, Harry."

"Hermione!" interrupted Ron, shocked. "You can't tell me you're actually going to believe that prefect honor crap – "

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