1 of Chapter 1

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What I warn you to remember is that I am a detective.Our relationship with truth is fundamental but cracked, refracting confusingly like fragmented glass. It is the core of our careers, the endgame of every move we make, and we pursue it with strategies painstakingly constructed of lies and concealment and every variation on deception. The truth is most desirable woman in the world and we are the most jealous lovers, reflexively denying anyone else the slightest glimpse of her. We betray routinely ,spending hours and days stupor-deep in lies, and then turn back to her holding out the lover's ultimate  Möbius strip: But i only did it because I love you so much.

I have a pretty knack for imagery ,especially the cheap, facile kind. Don't let me fool you into seeing us as a bunch of parfit gentil knights galloping off in doubtlets after Lady Truth on her white palfrey. What we do is crude, crass and nasty .A girl gives her boyfriend an alibi for the evening when we suspect him of robbing a north-side Centra and stabbing the clerk .I flirt with her at first telling her I can see why he would want to stay home when he's got her; she is peroxided and greasy, with the flat ,stunted features of generations of malnutrition, and privately I am thinking that if I were her boyfriend I would be relieved to trade her even for a hairy cellmate named Razor. Then I tell her we've found marked bills from the till in his classy white tracksuit bottoms, and he's claiming that she went out that evening and gave them to him when she got back.

 I do it convincingly, with such delicate crosshatching of discomfort and compassion at her man's betrayal, that finally her faith in four shared year disintegrated like a sand castle and through tears and snot, while her man sits with my partner in the next interview room saying nothing except "Fuck off, I was home with Jackie," she tells me everything from the time he left the house to the details of his sexual shortcomings .Then I pat her gently on the shoulder and give her a tissue and a cup of tea, and a statement sheet.

     This is my job, and you don't go into it--- or ,if you do, you don't last---without some natural affinity for its priorities and demands. What I am telling you, before you begin my story, is this--two things: I crave truth . And I lie.

This is what I read in the file, the day after I made detective. I will come back to this story again and again in any number of different ways. A poor thing, possibly, but mine own this is the only story in the world that nobody but me will ever be able to tell.

  On the afternoon of Tuesday, August 14 ,1984 , three children---Germaine ("Jamie") Elinor Rowan, Adam Robert Ryan and Peter Joseph Savage, all aged twelve---were playing in the road where their houses stood, in the small Country Dublin town of Knocknaree. As it was a hot, clear day, many residents were in their gardens, and numerous witnesses saw the children at various thimes during the afternoon, balancing along the wall at the end of the road, riding their bicycles and swinging on a tire swing.

    Knocknaree was at that time very sparely developed, and a sizable wood adjoined the estate, separated from it by a five-foot wall .Around 3:00 pm , the three children left their bicycles in the Savages' front garden,  telling Mrs. Angela Savage -- who was in the garden hanging washing on the line---that they were going to play in the wood. They did this often and knew that part of the wood well, so Mrs. Savage was not worried that they would become lost by 6:30 for his team. This conversation was confirmed by her next-door neighbour, Mrs.Mary. Therese Corry, and several witnesses saw the children climbing over the wall at the end of the road and going into the wood.

When Peter Savage had not returned by 6:45 his mother called around to the mothers of the other two children, assuming he had gone to one of their houses .None of the children had returned. Peter Savage was normally reliable, but the parents did not at that point become worried; they assumes their children had become absorbed in a game and forgotten to check the time. At approximately five minutes to seven, Mrs. Savage went around to the wood by the road, walked a little way in, and called the children. She heard no answer and neither saw nor heard anything to indicate any person was present in the wood.

IN THE WOODSDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora