i dont know anymore LMFAO

21 1 1

Jeff was in horrible trouble not only he broke Jacks bones but he was still extra agressive at the mansion... Slenderman forcefully locked him in his room whit toby and BEN
You three will stay jer to learn your lessons 1: not making fun of anyone
                2: no hitting..
And if i hear anonther thing from you Jeff i will have to give you a harder punishment....
Ben now that saw what jeff was capable off was pretty scared on siting around him...toby was playing on his phone silently. Wile jeff and ben we're just sitting and not doing anything..jeff was searching through his desk to find his pills.BEN at this moment didn't have anything to do..
Jeff whispers :
Im sorry for scaring you two but this is me when i don't take my pills......
Oh so you now apologize after Frickin Brea-

Jack walks in:
Hey guys..-
Once he sees jeff sitting on his desk chair he goes mute mod not  to change a word whit him he was so mad at him this him time

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2022 ⏰

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