Jump Around - House of Pain

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I sat in my physics class trying to figure out how to craft the most buoyant ship from tin foil when I felt my phone buzz in my pocket.

I checked my phone as stealthily as I could manage.

From: Nick

Hey a couple of us were going to a trampoline park later today. Would you care to join?

To: Nick

Depends, I have Track practice today. What time?

I saw three dots appear on my screen and I stared at them intently.

"Ms. Echavarria!"

My head snapped up to see Mr. Baltik at the end of the table staring directly at me.

"I understand that senior year is the greatest drag, but while you're in my class, I expect you to continue to participate. Put it away or you won't see it again until graduation."

"Sorry," I muttered, shoving my phone back in my pocket.

I felt it buzz but decided against checking it for the rest of this period.

During Mr. Roberts class I finally checked my phone.

From: Nick

We were thinking 7. I can pick you up early and grab dinner first.

To: Nick

I should be home around 3:30

After I finished Track practice and started walking toward my car, I found a text from Nick.

From: Nick

On my way.

Oh, no. I rushed home to find Nick already parked outside my home again. I pulled over to let him into my car before continuing up the driveway.

"I didn't expect you'd be here so soon."

"You said 3:30, I like to be on time."

"I just finished practice, I need a shower."

"No worries, I can wait."

Nick carried my backpack and my gym bag for me as we walked into the house.

"Nice place you've got."

"Thanks, I cleaned it myself."

I began moving up the staircase to my room with Nick in tow.

"That explains all the cobwebs up top."

I turned around shocked, "did you just call me short?"

Nick smirked, "that can't be the first time you've heard that."

"I'm taller than you right now."

"You're two steps up."

I squinted my eyes at him before turning on my heels to keep moving up the stairs to lead

him down the hall toward my room. I opened my room and went straight for the closet.

What should I wear today?

I decided on my white chucks, a pair of black distressed shorts and a slightly transparent, loose fitting, white tank top. I grabbed a matching set of black lace bra and panty before walking back into my bedroom toward my bathroom.

"You have so many trophies."

"I try not to disappoint," I answered a little too honestly.

An hour later I walked back in my room to find Nick flipping through my scrapbook.

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