A Day At The Circus

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Dean Nasty, a black and white rubberhose male dog with broad shoulders, wearing grey pants with only a strap around the chest, is in Dean's World at the pier. Dean Nasty lifts a large-looking barbell to impress the crowd as he's billed as a strongman. Dean approaches Buddy Pal Friendly, a tall and buff yellow dog made of candy.

Dean says, "You must be the new strongman."

"I'm Buddy Pal Friendly!" Buddy shouts while waving.

Dean scowls and asks, "Do you think you're stronger than me?"

"I am," Buddy says.

The crowd goes ooooh.

"Want to prove that?" Dean asks.

"Sure thing!" Buddy shouts.

"Want to lift weights, play the strongman game, or just hit each other in the stomach to see who's tougher and stronger?" Dean asks.

"I'm fine with either," Buddy says.

Dean lifts a large-looking barbell. The crowd cheers. Buddy Pal Friendly lifts Dean, takes the prop, shows it's a prop.

Dean scowls and has a member of the crowd try to lift a real barbell. Dean puts down his strap then tries to lift the real barbell but struggles to lift it.

"....Let's do the high-striker!" Dean shouts.

Buddy Pal Friendly lifts the real barbell. The crowd cheers, impressed by Buddy.

Dean leads the way to a high-striker machine that has scores written on the side of the wooden tower denoting the player's power level going from top to bottom.









Dean grabs the mallet and hits the machine, causing the puck to go all the way up to MAN

Buddy Pal Friendly hits the high striker machines and hits the bell.

Dean is enraged as he scowls but his scowl turns into a smirk. Dean throws a punch into Buddy's abs with all his might. Suddenly the smirk disappears as Dean's paw begins throbbing in pain.

Buddy Pal Friendly is standing normally and says, "Sorry, my skin is made of the hardest candy ever so it hurts bad if you punch it."

Dean says, "Well....it's your turn to punch me."

Buddy Pal Friendly says, "I'll go easy on you."

Buddy punches his stomach, Dean flies up in the air out of his grey pants, revealing frilly white boxers with red heart print underneath, until he hits MANLY MAN

Dean whispers, "ᴸᵉᵗ'ˢ ᵐᵒᵛᵉ ᵒⁿ ᵗᵒ ᵗʰᵉ ᵐᵃᵍᶦᶜ ᵃᶜᵗ."

Buddy Pal Friendly is carrying Dean bridal style. Dean is left with his mouth open and blushes.

Derrick Nasty, the younger brother of Dean Nasty, the black and white rubberhose dog wearing black top hat, black suit jacket, white undershirt with a white bowtie, and black trousers, is on stage.

Buddy Pal Friendly puts trousers back on Dean.

Derrick puts a seed in a People's Newspaper held in a cone shape and waters it with a red watering can. Flowers come out of the newspaper, enough to fill a diamond-shaped glass case with flowers. Suddenly, Topsy Turvy, the cousin of the Nasty family, a black and white rubberhose female dog with red hair, comes out of the glass case wearing a white floral dress as the flowers fill the case.

The crowd cheers.

"Wow!" Buddy exclaims.

Dean says, "My brother Derrick has a net worth of four billion dollars doing magic tricks."

Dewitt Nasty, the youngest Nasty brother, a short black and white rubberhose male dog, wearing a black vest with a white bowtie and high-waisted white trousers, sits next to Dean and Buddy on the bench.

Dean says, "And my little brother Dewitt has a net worth of fifty million dollars telling jokes."

"Congratulations!" Buddy shouts.

Derrick Nasty gets off stage and approaches Buddy.

"Thank you. Do you want to go to Maze Bank Arena with me, my family, and some members of the circus to see my brother Deshawn box?" Derrick asks.

"Sure?" Buddy says.

Bozo and Binky's Circus lead the way to Maze Bank Arena. Buddy Pal Friendly is excitable.

Fry and Horst head to the ring, where Horst climbs up the steps, entering the ring through the ropes.

Fry watches from the corner as Horst takes on Asterisk 'The Anvil' Hare, a white-furred rabbit with black fur on the upper half of his face, ears, down his back, and his paws, and yellow-eyes, wearing red boxing gloves and red boxing shorts.

DING DING DING! The bell rings. Horst knocks out Asterisk with a single punch from his right hand to the top of Asterisk's head. DING DING DING! And the winner is Horst B. Petard.

Asterisk leans on the ropes, his arms hanging over the top rope, as a bump swells on his head, he goes crossed eyed. Horst takes off his boxing glove revealing three horseshoes and the safe he got from Maze Bank.

Dynamite Duck, the manager of Asterisk, a Mandarin duck with green feathers on his head, wearing an open blue plaid shirt, gets on the apron and screams at the ref that Horst cheated. The ref's call is final. Horst retires with thirty-six wins and only two losses.

'Sugar' Deshawn Nasty, a black and white rubberhose male dog, wearing pants with a single strap around the chest with stitching patches on the left knee and rear, a boxer that won twenty-seven fights, and had no losses, enters the ring. Deshawn captured the Ironfists Boxing and Wrestling Association Welterweight Championship the previous December. 'Ruthless' Mac Rufus, a black and white rubberhose male kangaroo that is missing a tooth, and a boxer that had captured the Ironfists Boxing and Wrestling Association Lightweight Championship before moving up to the welterweight division where he has won eight fights and had no losses, enters the ring wearing red boxing gloves and red boxing shorts. DING DING DING! The bell rings. Rufus made Nasty fight his fight, not Nasty's fight. Nasty wants to beat Rufus at Rufus' kind of fight. It was a brutal, physical fight.

Buddy Pal Friendly is cheering, "You can do it! I believe in you!"

Mac wins the Ironfists Boxing and Wrestling Association Welterweight Championship by unanimous judge's decision.

Trash Bandit, a large female raccoon wearing a black singlet, had defeated a sheep wrestler with a red nose named Bo Amberhine, wearing a blue singlet and white boots, earlier in the night as she sits in the front row. Stanley the black frog is crushed by Trash Bandit.

Dewitt remarks, "Well that was a fun show."

Dewitt claps.

Buddy Pal Friendly waves and says, "Good bye, friends!"

Buddy skips away.

The End

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