Girl minions

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Back with the kids...

They check the map*

Gavin: I checked the east side of the bayou, nothing yet.

Jenny- Uh huh

Gavin: The one that I haven't checked out is the misty hill at the bayou over there.

Zara- How about we check it ?

Amazon: Yeah!

Luna checks the rooftop, she sees lots of vehicles coming this way*

Jeny- What is it Luna ?

Luna freaks out hopping to them: We got company, they know we're looking for the treasure!

Jenyn- They're looking fur Us Luna

Gavin: What do we do maties?

Maisie: We do this Home alone style guys

Night- Oh God we are not 10 Maisie

Krunch: Hey I want to do it home alone style Com'on where's your prank spirit?

Night- I dont have one..I come from a ace that isnt filled with pranksters and assholes

Maisie: Well we need to make sure those guys don't get the map. Night, I'm trusting you to keep the map safe.

Night-( Gulped ) Um..... Alright ?

Maisie: Okay Pipsy, you and your friends set traps upstairs, Tito, you and your siblings trap the basement, the rest of you help me set up traps in the living room and kitchen.

Night- I hope this scene does not take forever......

Back with Beige and his siblings*

They're in the far forests with Bob, Kevin, Stuart and several male minions who are excited

Waspy: I can't wait to meet the girl minions.

Ora looks and giggles with Violet.

Ora- Look how excited the boy minions are

Razoff: Yeah.

Gru uses his tracker

Metal Savy looks*

Gru- Alright....... They're around here somewhere

They looked*

Then something snatched his device

Gru- What the ?!

Kevin: Hey!

They hear rustling

They looked*

Then someone inna cute kitty mask looks at them

Waspy: Awwwww

???- Mew ?

Stuart: Eh?

Then the person lifted up her kitty make feavealing to be a pretty Minion with short silky black haor amd big beautiful brown eyes

Minions: Ooh....

Kitty- Mew mew.

Stuart: Hello.

Kitty giggles looking at Stuart.

Kitty-Ey ! Ereth era elam snionim !

Then a few female minions came out of hiding when they heard Kitty

Bob: More! More!

The male minions looked

The girl minions looked

Kitty- Ooh la la !

Beige: Whoa!

Then a a tall , voluptuois and gorgeous female minion appearsd in a saucy blue attire

Kevin's eyes sparkled*

Waspy: A humanoid minion?

Metal savy- If she is the only one. Then that means--

Vianny- Im Queen of the Miniettes ? Yes

Kevin blushes*

Vianny- I see you brought Minions.... Boy ones

Kevin mutters*

Vianny looks

Kevin looks away blushing*

Vinny- Who's this pill shaped minion ?

Gru- His name is Kevin

Vianny- Kevin ? Such a cute name

Kevin giggles

They look

Metal Savy: Awwwww.

Vianny- Come on. 

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