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"Ugh!!" he howled in pain

What is this? It's hurt! But it's feel familiar..
he thought and heard the servants say
"Your majesty! Just a little more... push, push!"

"Ughh!!! Ha... ha..."
then he heard a baby cry. One of the servant then say
"Congratulations your majesty, it's a healthy baby boy"

Hearing that, he smiled. He felt very tired but also happy, he actually went back in time when he gave birth to his child. Then his vision went blur.

He opened his eyes and looked around, he was still on the bed. He then recalled what happened. He got out of the bed and ran to find his son. He was afraid that everything that happened was just a dream.

He ran along the corridor. He is still weak because he just gave birth, because of this, his breathing is unstable. But he ignored it and kept running as his tears fell.

Thea who wanted to go to meet him saw him, and ran towards him in a panic, because she was afraid that something would happen to him, she said..

"Your majesty!... what are you doing here!?"

"My son...where is he..? Ha... ha... i need.. to see him" he said weakly

"Haaaa... please just call me. Why do you have to run in this condition. What should I do if anything happens to you!?" She said in a sad tone

"I'm okay, now....take me to see my son. I want to see him....please im begging you" his tears fell.

on hearing that, Thea looked at him and almost burst into tears, but she held it back. Thea then took him to the room where the baby was placed.

everyone who works in this palace especially outsiders knows that the emperor doesn't care about his male empress. Even before and after giving birth, the emperor did not visit him and instead went to see his new concubine he bought after the war. rumor has it that the emperor and the new concubine fell in love at first sight.

Thea thought that the empress would go to see the emperor and ignore his son. Because everyone knows that the empress loves the emperor very much. But she didn't expect that he would go to see his son first.

the empress only looked into the eyes of his son who had woken up from his sleep. He then smiled and took his son to place him in his arms.
He suddenly said

"I'll name you the same as mine.... Callisto En Benito..... then i should call you, Caio En Bonito. Yeah, It's sounds good" he smiled

He looked at Thea and said
"I want my son to sleep with me"
Thea nodded and gave Callisto a bottle of milk to feed Caio.

in his past life, he had never taken care of Caio, so he was a bit nervous to feed Caio. Thea saw the situation and taught Callisto.

Thea have known Callisto since the first time Callisto entered the palace. So he already knows Callisto's personality, Callisto is cold but warm inside.

After finishing feeding Caio, they went to Callisto's room and Callisto put Caio to sleep, Callisto slept with his son.

it had been a week, Callisto had never thought of visiting Rayrus, the emperor. Callisto didn't want to leave Caio, how can he leave when his son is so cute. Callisto was never happy in his past life because he only focused on chasing Rayrus, but now that he's back in the past he doesn't know how to describe this feeling of happiness.


The emperor who never cared about Callisto, was wondering what he was doing. All the things he didn't want to happen crossed his mind, because it had been a week and he thought maybe he would make trouble for seeking attention.

"what happened to the empress?" he said to Arnold, his personal butler . "The empress gave birth to his first prince a week ago" said Arnold.

"And what is the first prince's name?" said Rayrus looking at his papers.
"I'm not sure about that, Your majesty" he said.
"If it like that we should visit the first prince" said Rayrus.

Rayrus stood up from his chair leaving all his work and went with Arnold to visit the first prince.

(A/n : Ehem. I saw your comment, thanks for reading my story. I made this story just for fun. But when i see your comment i don't know why but i feel happy. Dunno💋)

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