Chapter one: what happened on the first day at Rainbow High

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Skyler: I texted her a zillion times. I even called her. She's not answering.

Violet: This is it people for real. Our first Rainbow High test

Keith: Our big fashion show. And we have no fashions.

Sunny: I need to find a happy place!

Ruby: We need to find Amaya. She's full on missing!

Poppy: Not active on social either. Not anywhere!

Sunny: Our first test. Our first big runway show

(Y/N): If we have no fashions, we fail! We get cut! Booted! Axed! Dead!

Jade: This never would have happened if Bella was still here. You know that right? Never!

PA: ten minutes to runway. Be in your places in ten minutes

All: *scream*

Narration: verdict? We're doomed. But, that wasn't how it started

Keith just flew in from Korea to be able to attend Rainbow High with his best friend, (Y/N). The two were so happy to see each other face to face and not over the phone. They were excited but, one thing is that, Keith is international arts focus and (Y/N) is mixed media focus (sorry if you don't like it, you can change it if you want.)

The two arrived and were greeted by their prefects, the A's: Avery, Aidan, and Ainsley. 

They then went to the dorms and the nameplates for who is in which dorm said this:

Ruby Anderson                                                                          Sunny Maddison 

Jade Hunter                                                                                Poppy Rowan

Bella Parker                                                                                 Skyler Bradshaw

Violet Willow                                                                                (Y/N) (L/N)

Keith Vocal

They split up with the plan to catch up after they're both done unpacking.

Keith went into his dorm and was greeted by a deep female voice saying, "What up? Scared to meet your roommates?"

Keith turned around and saw a girl with bright green hair, along with a sick makeup look. Keith was a little shocked but, kept his composure.

Three other girls came in and the one in red said, "Fire. Hey, I'm Ruby, Jade," she said pointing to the one in green. "Violet," she continued, pointing to the one in purple. "Bella," Ruby finishes, motioning to the one in pink. "Oh, and if it makes you feel better, Jade got me with the makeup too," Ruby noted.

"My makeup skills are so good, it's scary," Jade added. "Agreed, but I don't think its that scary," Keith remarks, which Jade thanks him about. 'Am I already falling for him/her on the first day?' Jade and Keith thought.

Keith unpacked his stuff and got ready with his new roommates to head over for first year orientation.

(With (Y/N))

"Sunny, Poppy, (Y/N)! First year orientation is in ten minutes!" Skyler called out. "Coming Skyler!" Sunny replied. 

Then, someone's phone rang and everyone checked their phones. 

"Whoop, it's me. Remember my best friend, Violet? She just posted," Sunny said while tapping on a social media profile called 'The Vi Life' with the newest post being a photo of her with Ruby, Bella, Jade, and Keith. "Aw..." Sunny said, sounding bummed.

 "Its okay, she can still be your best  friend. Even if she meets new people," Skyler said. "Yeah, Keith had to get used to it too. Especially since he isn't native here," (Y/N) added. "I know what'll make this better. I dare you to be sad when you listen to this," Poppy suggested while playing a song called, 'Turn Your Colour Up' while the four of them made their way to first year orientation.

Upon entering, they saw Keith and his roommates already there and they all got into a line shoulder to shoulder facing a woman in a purple coat with sunglasses on say:

"I'm Lou Wright, head of school. Welcome to Rainbow High, where you'll learn the tenets of G.L.A.M: Grit, Love, Action, and Moxie.

I've put you in your runway group, which is also your advisory group: the team that'll make or break you this year. Now everyone Look to your left,"

Everyone did so.

"Now look to your right,"

Everyone did as told again.

"Not all of you will make it to the end of the year,"

Everyone was shocked at Miss Wright's statement.

"And the first challenge you'll face, our first semester runway fashion show. Fail that, and you can kiss Rainbow High goodbye," Miss Wright finished.

(Fast foward)

Jade: They're going to kick us out of Rainbow High!! 

Keith: This never would have happened if Bella was still here. You know that right? Never!!

Narration: So, that's how it started and this was going to be the toughest journey of our lives...


Thanks for reading. This is once again my very first full attempt at writing a Rainbow High story with a reader insert. Let me know how you like it in the comments or you can message me as well. Thanks again for reading and have a nice day/night. <3

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