Chapter two: race to the finish line

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The next day, Violet started her daily livestream.

"Rainbow High update:

We just got our semester project and it is hashtag intense," Violet said.

"Brutal, full on runway show. Nine looks, big set, hair, makeup, music. And we do it in front of the whole school," Ruby added.

Sunny came in and said, "And, if we mess up, Miss Wright said that we'll get cut. So much pressure right? Oh, did I mention that me and Vi knew each other forever, cause we've known each other forever,"

They entered a classroom where they found Jade, Bella, Skyler, Poppy, (Y/N), and Keith already there. They all sat there until,

"Good morning," a voice over the PA system said, scaring Skyler. "Sorry, was not expecting that," Skyler embarrassingly said.

"I'm Miss Morton, your advisor," the voice over the PA system said again. 

Miss Morton then continued, "Sorry I can't be there in-person. When New York fashion week calls, you jump," 

"Yeah you do," Jade added, fist bumping Bella and Keith.

"But, Rainbow High is tough. And, it will be easier if you can rely on each other. So, welcome to the Glam Slam: A scavenger hunt to get to know each other better," Miss Morton continued on. 

Everyone then got a notification on their phones and saw an hourglass already running. They thought about what it could mean. But then, Miss Morton said,

"You have until the sand runs out, good luck. And take this seriously. I'm sure Miss Wright told you what happens if you don't succeed at Rainbow High,"

"She cannot mean we can get cut for failing the scavenger hunt," Bella commented.

"Just saying, she could," Poppy intervened.

A few seconds later, Skyler's phone rung and she got a clue. She then read out the clue, 

"Find the locker with Ruby's top-selling item on it. You sell things? What do you sell?"

Bella then came in the conversation, "I know, she showed us in the room. She custom paints and, her top-seller is..... sneakers!"

"You got it B. Lockers, let's go," Ruby said.

They all then searched the lockers in Rainbow High, while looking for sneakers.

Poppy was wandering past a row of lockers while saying, "Sneakers... Sneakers... Score!" 

Poppy then found a photo with a pair of Ruby's custom painted sneakers. 

Everyone gathered as she spoke, "Sweet kicks. And a clue: Locker combination is the number of awards Bella won for set design at middle school from drama-fest to runway riot,"

"Overachieving much?" Jade and Keith said at the same time.

"I win a lot of awards," Bella admits.

"How many? We need numbers!" Violet accidentally rushed her.

Bella caught on and responded, "Oh! Right! Eight, five, and thirteen,"

The code was correct and the group found a flat iron with a clue inside the locker.

Skyler picked it up and read the clue, "Go where you find this. And find something that Violet sponsors. Sponsors?"

"She has tons. Her photography had won so many awards, and got all these followers. And now, she's a major influencer. And the videos she posts, the best," Sunny added.

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