Chapter 1

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Yamashita Sakiko would have never imagined her life to be like this at the age of twenty-seven, yet here she was. Her life had never been the typical teenage girl's life, yet she never expected such a turn. Her childhood had not followed the usual routine of going to school, spending time with l your friends, experiencing love and heartbreaks, or applying to college. It was instead filled with the smell of motor oil and the company of her fellow gang mates and friends. Thinking back on her past, she was quite surprised yet grateful that she had not turned bad regarding that eventful past of hers. She was not the fighting type of delinquent, more of a reckless biker that was not afraid to stand up for herself and her friends. She could be quite troublesome.

Time has passed since then. Now she was an ordinary civilian working as a clerk in Tokyo's City Hall, in Shinjuku. It was very different from the life she used to live. Now it seemed like she was a completely different person than her younger self. That old version of her was someone else, a product of her imagination. But that beloved picture that stood on her bedside table of her and her closest friends that she had kept all these years so dearly reminded her that this part of her life did indeed happen. A part of her life filled with happiness and unbearable sadness.

Even when built a life for herself, graduated from high school, getting herself a job, she had never once thought her life would look like this at twenty-seven. But everything changed and took a sudden turn of events on this night, four years ago. She didn't know that just one glance would have changed her life forever. But she did not regret anything. Not when she had been blessed with such a gift, with such treasure.

"Mama!" A light voice boomed over the sound of drizzling hot oil.

Sakiko that was standing by the stove cooking eggs, turned to the door connecting the kitchen to the living room to see a young girl not older than four years old running into the room. Her black hair that was tied in two piggy tails bounced as she trotted, her vivid dark eyes looking impatiently at her mother. She held onto Sakiko's side who tenderly watched her as the young girl puffed her cheek, adorably pouting.

"When are you done cooking? I'm hungwy!" She said, causing Sakiko to chuckle.

"Aye, aye, I'm almost done, Ema," the mother said. "Go sit, I'll bring it to you,"

"Yay!" The girl cheered as she rushed to the table.

Emari was a very joyful child but also a child with a great appetite. She always needed to eat something, mostly dorayaki or tayaki (those were her favorites), and then, she would fall asleep almost immediately. But every time she got hungry, she also gets sleepy, but getting sleepy also makes her hungry. It was strange and made no sense, but that was how she was.

Just like her father.

Sakiko's heart tighten at the thought. A wave of nostalgia took over her, but she shook it off, refusing to succumb to it. It would only give her pain and regrets. Regrets of not having done things differently, of not having reacted in time, of not having saved the dearest people she held close to get heart.

The woman switched off the stove and slid the omelet onto a plate that was already garnished with rice. Now was not the time to think about what once was. The past was in the past. Her priority now was her beautiful beloved daughter.

Sakiko placed the plate in front of a very joyful Emari who wasted no time grabbing her plastic cutlery. Though, Sakiko stopped her by tucking a napkin into the child's collar so she does dirty herself. Emari had that bad habit of getting drops of food on herself every time she would eat. She was working on growing out of this habit though.

"Did you pack your back yet?" Sakiko asked as she whipped the ketchup off the corner of Emari's lip.

The child energetically nodded as she took a bit of her dish.

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