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The early morning was thick with fog. Shadows danced along the path, eager to play tricks on the minds of anyone who wasn't familiar with this region of the kingdom, but I continued running through the trees, completely unfazed. Twigs and dead leaves crunched underfoot as I neared my destination, the adrenaline from moments before fading as I slowed my steps.

I sat gingerly on the edge of the cliff, reminding myself that I could only stay for a few minutes. The sound of waves crashing into the rocks below me (along with the ocean breeze on my face) did wonders to distract my mind.

Good morning, Angel. A woman's voice pierced through my thoughts, laced with feigned sweetness as she spoke to me.

"I've asked you not to call me that," I said aloud, not even attempting to hide the bitterness in my words. "What do you want this time, Witch?"

I believe I've asked you to refrain from calling me a witch.

"It's what you are," I muttered. "You won't tell me your name, and we both know you weren't born a creature of magic. What else am I to call you, if not a witch?"

Watch your tone, child. I'm the reason you're still alive.

"Oh, and I suppose you expect me to say thank you. You may be my master, but you're not my friend."

The woman didn't respond, but I could still feel her presence. I closed my eyes, focusing all my energy on banishing her from my mind, but to no avail.

I don't know why you're still trying, pet. You discovered a long time ago that you're powerless against me.

I muttered curses under my breath, glaring at the horizon as her voice faded. She enjoyed tormenting me.

"Eleven years," I whispered, my hands clenching  into fists. The woman remained silent. "ELEVEN! YEARS! How long will I be bound to you? How much longer must I suffer at your hands!?"

Until your debt is payed, Azriell, you will remain my servant.

"You've never even told me what I owe you!"

And I choose to have it remain that way.

I felt her leave my mind, and a wave of emotions crashed over me, the strongest being hate. One day, I will break free from my master's chains, I thought to myself. And when I do. . . I will make her wish she was never born.

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