Chapter 1

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"Azri!" Someone behind me called out.

I stood and turned away from the ocean below me, putting on a fake smile for my friend as she broke through the line of trees. Her black hair hugged the frame of her face in tight curls, her dark eyes reflecting the early morning sunlight that warmed her golden brown skin. The fear in her expression told me something was wrong, and I let my smile fade.

"What's happened, Zen?" I asked, taking several steps toward her.

She grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the cover of the trees, her breathing heavy. "The soldiers are coming," she said, her panic clearly rising. "What if they take one of us away this time?"

I pulled my friend into a hug, a weak attempt to comfort her as I tried to think of something to say. No words came. If I was honest with myself, I was just as terrified of that possibility as she was.

"Come on," I whispered, pulling away from her. "We need to get back to the village before they arrive."

She nodded, following behind me as we raced through the forest (although I had to slow down for her to keep up with me).

"You know," she called between breaths, "You wouldn't be going so fast if you were wearing a dress!"

"Why do you think I wear pants?" I called back.

"I thought you just liked getting on Miss Morley's nerves!"

"That too," I laughed.

I gestured for Zenora to go ahead of me, to make sure I didn't accidentally leave her behind. We were both raised in the area, but she hated going through the forest on her own. She would only do so if she knew exactly where I was. The village wall came into sight, and we both picked up the pace. I vaulted effortlessly over the stones, sliding to an easy stop.

"Show off," Zen grumbled as she climbed over the wall.

A low murmur of voices brought our attention to the road on the other side of the buildings, a small crowd gathering to greet Queen Attala's soldiers. Zen grabbed my hand as we made our way to the road, my uneasiness growing as we got closer.

"The captain..." a man whispered to his wife.

"He's scary looking," a child commented, before hiding behind her mother's skirt.

"They say he's ruthless. . ."

"Those scars. . ."

"What is he doing here?"

Zen and I watched as a man stood on the bed of a wagon, a sheet of paper in his hand. When he cleared his throat, the crowd grew quiet. This couldn't be the man everyone was whispering about, there didn't seem to be an intimidating bone in his body. I strained to see through the crowd of people, my curiosity once again getting the better of me.

"Queen Attala requests that a young woman be selected from the orphanage," he read, and Zen's grip on my hand tightened. "To be trained as her personal servant in the capital. Miss Morley, the head of the orphanage, has been trusted with the selection process, and will now announce her decision."

The man stepped down, replaced by a tall wiry woman with a sickly pale complexion, her graying hair pulled into a tight bun at the nape of her neck. Her cold demeanor was only one of many reasons that she was disliked by the youth in her care. She scanned the crowd with her emotionless eyes until her gaze landed on Zenora and I. She gestured for us to come forward, and the crowd parted.

It will be okay, I reassured my friend, projecting my thoughts into her mind. We'll be okay.

"I hope you're right," she whispered.

As we got closer, I noticed the man people had been whispering about. Captain Doran. He was an intimidating man, rumored to have fought and defeated at least twenty men without breaking a sweat. His physique alone was enough to identify him in a crowd, but everyone knew him by the burn scars on his face and the tattoo of a dragon on his right arm.

"I have chosen her," Miss Morley pointed at my friend, her voice low and raspy as she spoke. "Zenora is obedient, quiet, and she's a hard worker. She would do well."

Zen was trembling. She gave a small curtsy and smiled sweetly, but I knew she was terrified. Our queen was known to be harsh, especially to those who made mistakes.

"I won't let you take her," I blurted, glaring first at Miss Morley, then at the Captain.

Captain Doran chuckled, his expression darkening. "You have no say in this, girl."

I stepped protectively in front of Zen, a smile tugging at the corner of my mouth. "You know, when people tell me what I can and cannot do, it just makes me want to act out even more," I said, raising my voice. "So. Let me say it one more time! You. Can't. Take. Her."

The Captain arched his eyebrow. "Can't I?"

"I apologize for her," Miss Morley said, stepping down from the wagon and marching toward me. "She's always been a defiant brat. I'll be sure to teach her a lesson once you leave."

"No need," Captain Doran said, fingering the hilt of his sword. "I think I might have a use for someone as spirited as her."

"A use, Sir?" Miss Morley asked, clearly puzzled.

"Yes. I'm sure I could find a place for her among my men."

The old crone was speechless, which brought me immense joy. Very rarely did Miss Morley lose her words. But then what the Captain said hit me.

"What do you mean?" I asked, careful to keep my emotions out of my voice.

"I meant exactly what I said," he replied.

"B-but! She's not human!" Miss Morley shouted, her eyes dark with hatred.

"Oh?" Captain Doran turned to the woman, crossing his arms over his chest. "Do enlighten me."

"She's a Shapeshifter."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2022 ⏰

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