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My first kiss story (yes this is a true story and I thought I would share it cause it happened last night and I'm still really happy and tingly inside) :
Okay so Him and I where sharing a chair. And he had been kissing my forehead and like the top of my head and my cheek sense I got there. So he would poke my forehead and I would turn around and he would kiss my forehead. Whale one time when I turned around he kissed my nose. The next time I turned around he kissed my nose again. But the third time I turned around he kissed my lips and I kissed back. Then I laid my head on his shoulder and he kissed my forehead. Then this happened like 6 more times and then I kissed his cheek. Then like it happened like every 5-8 mins. Then I had to leave and before I opened the door he put his arms around me and we hugged for a long time and at one point he kissed my neck. Then he let go and I stared at his lips and he stared at mine. So I went for it and we kissed for a long time BUT NO TOUNGE! And he hugged me again and I said "bye I love you" so he said "bye I love you more" and I walked away cause my parents where waiting

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