Home Alone

15 0 0

1. Short chapter lol
2. I will post another chapter today. Enjoy this one though :)

TW: blood, mentions of abuse,

Tubbo's POV:

"No- I said- I said I'm fine!"

"Tubbo, you don't sound fine. Are you safe right now?" Wilbur spoke as calm as possible.

I didn't answer.

"Alright, could you turn your camera back on?" Wilbur said as Tommy left the call.

"No." I didn't want him to see me, he already knows enough.

"Why not?"

I was silent. I didn't have a reason to not turn it on.

"Tubbo, please turn your camera on."

I hovered my mouse over camera toggle button, debating on clicking it.

I clicked it.

I could see Wilbur's eyes widen, looking at me.

I stare as myself in the camera, realizing how terrible I look at the moment.

"What's on the floor?"

I turn around and see the some small pieces of glass I failed to pick up, along with some blood, that I, also, managed to clean.

"Oh- It's just glass, I'll clean it later." I smiled, turning back.

"What happened.?" Wilbur sounded concerned, I don't get why.

I deserve this.

"My Father, I'm alright though!" I said, sounding a bit too happy for Wilbur's liking, based on his concerned expression.

The front door shut, which means I'm home alone.


"Back to another question, are you safe as of now?"

I nodded, "He just left."

"Alright Tubbo, I'm going pick you up. You can't stay there."

"No- I have to stay here. I can't- I can't leave, Wilbur!" I tried to change his mind, It's not that I wanted to stay, it's that I couldn't leave.

"Tubbo, you can't keep saying that stuff, stay on the call, I'll be there soon."

I shifted in my chair.

"How long has this been happening?"

"..awhile." In all honesty, I didn't even know how long.

"..?"Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz