Chapter Three

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The division stood tall before their individual rooms, ready for the inspection.
Rha' neared Aria and Ranger Mansooree. "Where is Chief and Sergeant Peril? They are not excluded from this."
"Chief will be here soon. He had a meeting with the other Spartans. They're getting some armor upgrades. Sergeant Peril is currently occupied in sickbay. The Shipmaster and some of his crew were due for their physicals." Aria replied, handing him the list.
He nodded and grabbed it, looking it over. "I suppose that is a good excuse to not be here right now, but she's not getting out of it. We'll have to catch her as soon as she is free. Lets get this out of the way before dinner. Who's fist on the list then? We'll take care of Chief when he arrives."
After two and a half hours of going from room to room and checking each from ceiling to floor, the division was excused.
"Ranger Mansooree, are you ready?"
"Yes, Sir."
They moved to his room.
Inside it was clean and nearly devoid of pictures. Only a few hung by his desk.
Aria went to his desk and looked at them. "Is this your mate, Ranger?"
He nodded and stood beside her. "Indeed, and my two younglings."
"She's beautiful! I have never seen a female Sangheili. Your younglings are adorable!"
"Thank you, Sergeant! I miss them terribly."
She touched his shoulder. "I bet you do. Will they be on Earth when we return?"
"That's wonderful! I know it feels like forever, but we're getting closer."
He smiled. "I know, but it doesn't stop me from getting anxious."
"You're room is as clean as I would expect from my brother." Rha' spoke suddenly, interrupting them.
"Brother?!" Aria asked, looking at the Ranger.
"Yes, I am his little brother."
She smiled. "So, that's the older brother that always got picked on?"
Rha' chuckled. "He told you about that?"
"Yes, Sir. I shared a story with him about Kayla. She used to bite me just so she could play doctor and clean up the wound."
"Oh, my!" He laughed. "Yes, we both had some troublesome siblings. Good thing they grew out of it." He teased, looking at Ranger Mansooree.
"May I ask, why do you not have the same last name?"
"My father is a swordsman." Rha' replied.
"Oh, yes, I've heard about the swordsman culture. They don't have mates, but they may mate whomever they chose."
They both nodded.
She looked up at Rha'. "You must have many childlings, Sir."
He chuckled. "Actually, I do not. I have not mated yet."
She smiled inwardly. "No, Sir?"
He smiled and shook his head. "Indeed not. I vowed a long time ago to only have one mate. I have not been actively looking for her either." He looked her over. "but I think she may have found me." He thought, looking over at the Ranger. "Ranger Mansooree, you pass, as expected. Go enjoy dinner." He looked down at Aria. "Shall we move on?" He asked as he leaned close to her. "Let us do a little inspection of your room, Sergeant." He asked, a hint of a tease in his voice.
She looked up at him, her cheeks slightly flushed. "M...Mine, Sir?"
He nodded. "You are not excused from them either." He smirked.
"I...I know that, but the way you said it... never mind." She made her way to her room with him following behind her.
Ranger Mansooree bid them a good evening before they parted ways.
She opened the door to her room and turned on the light before stepping aside.
He walked passed her and looked around. "Very nice." He looked in her closet seeing four of her uniforms, one of each style, covered in clear plastic garment bags. Each one was pressed perfectly, the creases sharp, and had all her badges and medals. "I see uniform inspections will be cake walk for you, Sergeant Peril."
She nodded. "I never wear those, Sir. They stay in the closet just like that at all times."
He nodded and walked around her room slowly. A few pictures of her and the group hung above her desk. "You and Sergeant Waters are close?"
"Yes, Sir."
"Chief and Corporal Hicks are close to you as well, I see."
"Yes, including my sister, Kayla. We've all be through a lot together."
She had a couple pictures of her parents as well which he looked closely at.
"Your parents, I presume?" He asked, looking over at her.
She nodded.
"You look like your mother."
She smiled. "Thank you, Sir."
He moved along. She had an old stuffed animal on her bed. He grabbed it and looked it over.
"My father gave that to me when I was little." She brought fourth.
He smiled and placed it back on her bed. "Your room is immaculant! I see our troops learned from the best."
"Thank you, Sir. I lead by example."
"That's an excellent quality. As do I." He turned towards her. "Are you ready for dinner?"
"Yes, I'm starved!" She nearly gushed.
"Lets get us some grub then."
She nodded and grabbed a book from her desk.
Before they made it to the door, Kayla popped her head in. "Oh, it's a party in here! You two making Sangheili childlings already?"
"I...I beg your pardon, Sergeant?" Rha' asked, startled by her question.
Aria turned beet red.
"Too soon?" Kayla laughed and walked away.
"Wait, Sergeant Peril! You have a room inspection!" She was already gone. "Never mind." He looked down at Aria.
She couldn't look at him. Her face was still red. "We will have to find her later, Sir."
He smiled. "No worries. Come on, lets eat."
She quietly followed him from her room. She closed the door behind her before following him to the mess deck. "Damn her! But he didn't seem to mind." She thought. A smile touched her lips suddenly as she looked him over. "He really has a sexy ass." She sighed suddenly and looked down at the floor, watching his feet as she began to hum a love song.
Before long, she was mumbling the lyrics.
Rha' chuckled to himself, looking over his shoulder at her.
She was nearly lost in her thoughts as she sang the lyrics slightly louder.
"Interesting song you are mumbling there, Sergeant Peril."
"Huh?" She snapped her head up. "Oh, you heard that, Sir?"
"Indeed." He stopped outside the door, waiting for it to slide open. "If I didn't know any better, I would say that song was for someone. Am I correct?"
She blushed slightly. "P...Perhaps."
"That song? She is singing it for you, Sir." Kayla interrupted suddenly, walking past them.
Aria's eyes widened before she narrowed them at her. "I hate you!" She mouthed.
She smiled slyly and giggled as she went on her way.
He tilted his head and smiled down at Aria. "Is that so?"
She lowered her head, keeping her eyes glued to the floor. "Oh my god!! Why did she have do that?! And twice in one day!!"
He suddenly gestured into the room, bowing slightly. "After you, Sergeant."
"T...Thank you, S...Sir." She whispered, moving past him almost hurriedly. She moved through the line rather quickly, not once looking up at Rha'.
He smiled inwardly. "It is true!" He thought. "Why else would she be so shy and nervous around me suddenly?" He left the line momentarily, moving toward a Zealot.
They talked and laughed for a moment, Rha' occasionally shooting a glance at Aria who was now sitting at a table with her nose in her book.
George walked by them, hearing part of the conversation. He chuckled to himself as he got in line and grabbed a tray. He never learned to speak Sangheili, but Aria had taught him enough that he could understand most of what they were saying, and he knew they were talking about her.
Soon Rha' and the Zealot moved into line behind him, continuing on with their conversation.
He was enjoying this! He tried so hard not to laugh as he grabbed the last of his dinner and joined Aria, sitting opposite of her. "What are you reading there, Aria?" He asked, pushing the book against her face to see the title. "Love of Tomorrow." He chuckled, reading the title out loud.
She huffed and knocked his hand away, pulling the book back. "Nothing you'd be interested in."
He cocked an eyebrow. "Why the attitude?"
"Huh?" She looked up at him. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude, George. I was just concentrating on this book is all. Honestly though, it's nothing you'd be interested in."
"Of course not. I'm not the one trying to pick up aliens over here." He teased. "You getting some good ideas from that literature?"
She lowered the book slightly, her eyes narrowed at him. "That is not what this story is about!"
He shrugged and went to work picking at his dinner as she went back to reading. He took a quick sideways glance at Rha' who was now moving toward them. "Here we go." He mumbled under his breath.
"What?" Aria asked, not taking her eyes off the story before her.
"Is this seat taken?" A familiar male voice asked.
She looked up at Rha', slightly surprised.
He tilted his head as he stood there holding his tray of food, waiting for her to answer.
"N...No. Sorry, you caught me off guard, Sir."
"No worries." He replied, placing the tray on the table and taking a seat beside her.
Her nerves began working on her as she pushed her nose back into her book and poked at her dinner. This was the first time he had sat this close to her. She glanced over at him as he pulled off his headdress and began to eat.
The Zealot suddenly sat on the other side of her, practically sandwiching her against Rha'.
Her eyes went wide as she looked up at Rha'.
He looked down at her and smiled.
She swallowed hard and grinned nervously at him before looking over at the Sangheili Zealot.
He smiled at her. "Sorry about the closeness. These Human seats are just too small for us Sangheili."
"That's...." Her words caught in her throat and almost came out in a squeak. "That's okay, Sir."
Rha' chuckled and looked over at the Zealot. "Sergeant Peril likes sitting this close to me anyway, Sir."
Aria paled and dropped her book. It hit her silverware making them clang loudly before she quickly scooped it back up and nearly buried her face in it.
Rha' grabbed the book and turned it over before putting it back into her hands. "It's easier to read right side up isn't it, Sergeant?"
"Y...Yes, Sir. I s....suppose it is." She whispered.
George was almost dying, though he tried hard not to show his amusement. He kept his hand clasped against his lips to keep himself from laughing.
The Zealot snickered, looking down at her. "I think she likes you, Ultra Bahtiyaree. It is written all over her face after all."
She went absolutely pale and felt as if she would faint. "Am I that obvious?!" She thought not wanting to take her eyes off the book that now trembled in her hands.
Rha' smiled and leaned close to her. "Relax, Aria. We are not going to bite you."
A heat rose from her body. Never has he called her by her first name. She slowly looked over at him, locking her eyes with his.
His smile grew. "You have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen." He whispered.
Her lips parted slightly as the color retuned to her face, making her cheeks burn.
He suddenly placed a hand on her thigh.
She stiffened, tingles emitting from where his hand touched her.
"Aria...." He started.
"Awww." A familiar female voice gushed, interrupting him. "Isn't that just the cutest thing ever!?"
He pulled his hand back as they looked up to see Kayla standing beside the table.
"I just love the way the two of you gaze into each others eyes." She smiled and walked away.
"Again?! God, that didn't help any!" Aria thought as Rha' looked back at her.
He looked a little surprised, but at the same time, flattered.
She lowered her eyes from his almost quickly. She to was a little flattered, but also nervous.
"You do know he planed that right?" George asked, looking over at her with a big grin on his face. "I overheard him talking with that Zealot."
She nodded, turning the page of her book as she tried to make sense of Rha's actions while reading.
"That was hilarious!! He was actually flirting with you! Wait, you're not surprised?!"
She looked up at him. "I am actually. I just don't know how to respond to it." She replied, looking back at her book.
"I thought you liked him?"
"I do. Believe me, I do. I'm just so used to my crushes being one-sided that I don't know how to deal with mutual feelings. It kinda scares me." She turned the page. "Can we not talk about this right now?"
"How can he not like you? The amount of pheromones you give off just looking at him is probably enough to drive him crazy!" He busted out laughing, ignoring her.
"What?!" She lowered her book. "What are you talking about, George?!"
"Kayla told me Elites can smell that."
"Oh god! Please tell me she was joking!"
"I thought she was, so I decided to ask her nurse. I figured since he's an Elite, he would know."
"Yep, they can smell you."
"I can't help it!" She nearly cried. "I am in love with...." She was stopped abruptly by crashing into someone. She looked up to see Rha'. "....him." She finished, releasing her book. It hit the ground with a small thud as she pressed a hand to the armor of his chest. "I am so sorry, Sir." She said in a nervous whisper, her voice seeming to have escaped her. She cleared her throat. "I...I wasn't watching where I was going."
He chuckled. "It's quite alright, my dear."
His words echoed in her thoughts. "He called me dear!" Her mind screamed at her.
Rha' took a step back and slowly bent down, his eyes trailing over her body. "Her scent is absolutely delicious!" He thought, grabbing the book.
A scream suddenly echoed down the corridor.
He quickly straightened up to see a young lady running in their direction.
Both Aria and George followed his gaze.
"Muhmep?!" Aria questioned.
She was in a hospital robe, her bare ass hanging out as she ran down the corridor. "No! They are going to eat my brains!" She hollered as she ran by.
"Flood?!" Rha' asked, startled.
"What?!" George nearly gasped. "On the ship?"
Rha' suddenly activated a wrist blade and subconsciously wrapped an arm around Aria. With his hand on her waist, he pulled her against him, protecting her.
She looked down at the large hand that had grabbed her, a deep blush touched her cheeks.
Soon a Ranger came running after Muhmep with Kayla trailing behind him, readying a syringe.
Rha' sighed in relief and laughed, deactivating his blade.
Aria pressed a hand to her face. "Corporal Hicks can be a crazy one sometimes."
"That's an understatement." George whispered under his breath.
Rha' shook his head slightly. "She almost gave me a heart attack!" He looked down at Aria, seeing his hand resting on her waist. He slowly released her, his fingers brushing her as he pulled his hand away. "Sorry, my dear. I just had an overwhelming urge to protect you."
She smiled and lowered her head. "It's okay, Sir."
Before long, the Ranger came back, Muhmep dangling over his shoulder in a most undignified way, and Kayla following close behind.
She was sedated heavily, but was still mumbling something about them eating her brains.
"Come on, Kayla! Can't you keep your patients under control?" Aria mocked.
She glared at her sister. "Shuddup. You and I both know nobody can keep this one under control. I have to do this just to do a simple physical on her!"
"Isn't that the truth!"
Aria walked into the recreation room. She had planned a movie night for her troops and was heading in to help set everything up with the volunteers.
Upon entering, she stopped short of the door, inside the same four Sangheili Minors and seven Recruits were once again locked in a hate battle, only this time the former Private Shaler was with them and instigating things.
The Sangheili were surrounded by the Recruits, defending themselves.
"Again!?" Aria shouted, startling them.
"This has nothing to do with you, Sergeant." Recruit Shaler snapped, turning his attention back to the Sangheili. He got into the face of Minor Ghotee and began insulting him left and right.
The others had stopped and watched the scene unfold.
Aria jumped between them, pushing them apart. "Stop this at once!" She ordered. "Didn't you learn anything last time?!"
Minor Ghotee backed off slightly but the Recruit refused to stop. Unable to take anymore, the Minor dove on him. They hit the ground with a hard thud where they proceeded to roll around and yell, but ultimately the Recruit was weaker and thus ended up at the mercy of the Minor.
"Stop it!" Aria ordered, grabbing the Minor by the arm and trying to pull him off him.
Minor Ghotree subconsciously pushed her back, unknowingly pushing her a little too hard.
She stumbled back and slammed into Ranger Mansooree who had just entered the room.
He grabbed her shoulders slightly as she regained herself. "Are you okay, Sergeant?"
"Yes. I'm fine."
He went to separate them. "What the hell are you doing!?" He hollered, yanking Minor Ghotree off the Recruit.
A large shadow fell over them suddenly.
"That is enough!!" Rha' shouted, activating a wrist blade.
His sudden, deep voice startled Aria slightly. She cringed a little, seeing his active blade.
"I guess getting into trouble last time didn't teach you anything!" He scowled. "Well, now you have to deal with me, and I will do far worse then just simply demoting you!"
The Sangheili hung their heads, shamed that they had disobeyed their officer.
The Recruits, on the other hand, were extremely nervous.
Aria sighed. "I am so very disappointed we have to go through this again. Why is it that you guys cannot get along?"
"They started it!" A pair of Recruits gushed, pointing at the Sangheili.
"How absurd!" A Minor replied, clenching his fists.
"Give me a break!" Aria scoffed. "How old are you? Are we really going to play the blame game? I can't take this anymore! The Sangheili know how to be respectful, why not us?"
"They don't deserve respect from us after what they did." Recruit Shaler hollered.
"Again with this?" Aria fumed, trying to hold back her rage. "That shit is in the past! I lost family too! I lost my entire planet, but I'm not blaming them! They left that life, and sided with us! Transfer if you don't like it."
"I was here first. They should be the ones to transfer. In fact, they never should have come here in the first place!"
"She is your Sergeant, young man, you must respect her." Rha' scolded, deactivating his blade.
"I respect no one who has feelings for Elites." He sneered.
Rha' moved toward Recruit Shaler, but wasn't fast enough.
Aria drove him to the ground and proceeded to punch him in the face. "They are Sangheili!" She yelled, looping her hands around his neck. "I am done with your disrespectful bullshit!!"
Rha' pulled her off the Recruit seconds before he passed out from lack of oxygen. He coughed and gasped, rolling to his side.
"All of you in my office right now!" He ordered, still holding Aria who continued to fight in his grasp.
"Let go of me!!" She growled. "He deserves it!"
They all left, Ranger Mansooree leading the way.
"Aria?" Rha' adjuster her in his grasp. "Stop fighting me."
She cried out in anger. "Unhand me!!! I will rip off his face!!"
"Sergeant Peril, get ahold of that rage!" He ordered suddenly.
His sudden, stern voice startled her. She stopped struggling and started to cry, realizing what she had done. "I'm so sorry, Sir." She whispered.
He released her and gently turned her around to face him.
"I can't take it anymore!" She cried. "Please transfer them!"
"All of them?" He questioned.
"No, not the Minors. It's those damn Recruits and Recruit Shaler that keep starting this bullshit!" She wiped her eyes, but the tears continued to fall. "I'm sorry, Sir. I should not have done that. I completely lost my composure." She sighed and lowered her head. "I guess I better kiss my rank good-bye."
Rha' smiled and touched her chin, raising her head. "Don't worry about it. I'll take care of everything. You're rank isn't going anywhere. Recruit Shaler, on the other hand, will be gone by morning. You finish everything here. I know our troops are looking forward to this. As soon as I am finished with them, I'll come back. I am eager to experience this 'movie night' with you."
She smiled and nodded as he walked out the door.
Rha' entered the dark room and took a seat next to Aria. She was eating popcorn and laughing, her eyes fixed on the movie before them.
He pulled off his headdress and looked over at her. The light from the movie danced across her face and reflected in her beautiful green eyes.
A heat rose from him suddenly as he continued to look at her.
She suddenly looked over at him, stuffing popcorn into her mouth. Without a word, she smiled and held the bucket before him, offering some to him.
He took a handful before she pulled it back in front of her, her eyes still locked with his.
Before long she recognized the look on his face. "Does he feel the same way I do?" She thought. "He has been flirting with me."
Laughter echoed around them, but they didn't hear it. Instead, they were lost in each others eyes and Aria was slowly leaning closer to him.
"I think he does." She smiled and tilted her head slightly as she realized he too was leaning toward her and this time she was not afraid.
Rha' lifted his free hand to touch her chin gently. "I have found my mate." He thought.
She grabbed his wrist and slowly began to close her eyes as her lips brushed his mandibles.
A collective 'awww' escaped the division suddenly, startling them.
They quickly looked at their troops. They were all turned in their seats, watching them.
Aria's face turned beet red as she quickly lowered her head.
Rha' smirked. "What are you all looking at!? The movie is over there."
They all turned around, once again facing the movie.
"Damn it!" He thought, looking over at her. "So close!"
She was looking into her popcorn bucket shyly.
He smiled and stuffed the popcorn into his mouth. "Tomorrow is another day." He thought.
"As you have noticed, there are more people missing from our ranks." Aria began, pacing before her division. "They were transferred." She faced them suddenly, raising her hand. "I have had it up to here with this disrespect nonsense so you are not going to waist my time anymore. If any of you have a problem working with the Sangheili or Unggoy then transfer now, cause they are here to stay." She stated, lowering her hand.
Behind Aria stood Rha'. He eyed the division intently. They all stood in silence, listening to Aria's lecture, but more so afraid of Rha'. He looked menacing the way he just stood behind her, but could you blame him? He was tired of this shit too.
His eyes suddenly focused on Aria and his menacing look softened to a look of desire.
George saw it and chuckled inwardly, nudging Yuri. "Chief, look at Ultra Bahtiyaree." He whispered. "He is seriously lusting over Aria."
Yuri chuckled. "Indeed he is." He leaned slightly to his left. "He's undressing her with his eyes. I thought us Humans only did that. Looks like he's starting to pack a hard on for her."
George followed his lead, leaning to his left. "I see what you mean. Damn, he could poke someone's eye out with that thing!"
"Are you guys seriously checking out Ultra Bahtiyaree's crotch?" Kayla whispered, leaning with them.
They quickly straitened up, bumping into her.
"I have no idea what you are talking about, Kayla. You, Chief?" George whispered.
"Nope, me either." Yuri replied.
Kayla smirked and shook her head. "He always looks like that."
They looked down at her quickly. The look on their faces was priceless.
"What!? I am a doctor. I see these things."
They looked over at him again.
"Don't be getting jealous now, boys." She teased. "After all, he is a big ass alien. Of course he'd be packing in that department."
"I'll pretend I didn't hear that." Yuri replied, giving her a sideways glance.
"Does he make you feel inferior?"
Yuri smiled slyly and looked down at her. "You know good and well I am not inferior, Kayla."
She made a face and pulled away. "Chief!!"
"You did say you see these things." George brought fourth in a teasing whisper.
"Is there something you three wanna share with the division?" Aria asked suddenly.
They all looked at them.
"No, Sergeant." Yuri replied.
"Nope. Not at all." George stated. "What about you, Sergeant Peril?"
"Me? I got a lot I can share with the division, Sergeant, but not during formation."
"All hands to sickbay!" A male voice interrupted.
Kayla stepped out of formation and made her way to the door. "Oh, yeah. Chief and Sergeant Waters seem to be jealous of the male Sangheili's package. I'll be seeing some of you later for your appointments, but the rest of you have a good day!" She waved, leaving the room.
The division all looked at Yuri and George. They wanted nothing more then to fade from existence right then and there.
"Damn her!" Yuri mumbled.
"Yep." George whispered.
"You guys shouldn't be jealous of that." Muhmep began. "I've heard plenty of our females talking about your 'packages'. Besides, George, I've seen you in your speedo."
He went beet red. "That doesn't help, Corporal!" He nearly snapped.
Aria stood before the division with her jaw dropped nearly to the ground.
"Our 'package'?" Ranger Mansooree questioned, looking at Rha'.
He looked back at him just as confused before he touched Aria's shoulder. "What did she mean by that? We don't have any packages."
She bit her lower lip in an attempt to keep herself from laughing.
"Don't tell them, Aria!" George whined.
She turned towards him and beckoned him to come closer. He leaned towards her and she proceeded to whisper in his ear.
Her soft voice was absolutely enticing, but the words that came out of her mouth made his eyes widen as he pulled away from her almost quickly. "Seriously?!"
She nodded.
"What?!" Ranger Mansooree asked almost impatiently. "What does it mean?!"
Rha' looked at him. "Follow me out to the corridor."
They stepped outside the door.
After a moment of silence Ranger Mansooree's voice echoed through the corridor. "What?!?!"
The division began snickering.
"Oh my god, I am going to kill Kayla!" Yuri whispered angrily as he and George attempted to make a hasty exit.
"Guys!" Aria called to them. "We're not done. Get back into formation."
"We're done, Sergeant." Yuri replied.
"Yeah, we have an appointment with.... the dentist!" George stated.
"Yes, the dentist!" Yuri agreed. "My wisdom teeth are scheduled to be removed today."
"Nice try, Chief. I know you don't have those anymore."
"They grew back!!" He nearly yelled as they darted out the opposite door.
Stopping outside Aria's room, Ranger Mansooree knocked on the door.
"Just a moment." She called. Within a minute she opened it. "Yes?"
"Sergeant, Ultra Bahtiyaree would like a word with you."
"Okay." She replied, leaving her room and closing the door behind her. "I hope he doesn't care about what I'm wearing. I was literally about to go to the gym."
"No, he did not specify you being in uniform."
"Oh, good." She followed him to his office. Upon entering, she froze at the door.
In his hand was her file.
"Please excuse us, Ranger Mansooree." He ordered, not looking up at them.
He nodded, leaving the room.
As soon as the door closed, Rha' looked up at her and opened his mouth, but his words nearly got caught in his throat.
She was in her exercise clothes. She had her shoulder length hair pulled up into a small, messy ponytail. Her white shirt was slightly larger then what she normally wore and came off her shoulders, showing the straps of her dark green sports bra. Her legs were covered in a black yoga type pants and it hugged all of her curves nicely. Her feet were hidden in dark green tennis shoes instead of her normal combat boots, making them look smaller.
His eyes trailed back up her body as the tingles made their way down his spine. "By the Prophets, she is so fucking gorgeous!!" He thought, his eyes looking back into hers.
She blink, slightly surprised by the look on his face. "S....Sir, you wanted to see me?"
"Yes." He quickly looked back down at her folder, trying to settle his nerves. "Do you have anything to say to me, Sergeant?"
She bit her lip. "N....No, Sir."
"Sergeant Peril, your records say you are three years behind on your shots." Rha' said, looking through her folder. "You've done well to make sure everyone else was up to date, yet you failed to keep yourself updated."
"I....I didn't realize, Sir. I've been so busy trying to keep everything in order."
He smirked. "My dear, you lead by example. I know you didn't just overlook your own health records."
Aria fiddled with her ponytail and laughed nervously. "No, Sir. I suppose not."
He looked up at her. "So, you lied to me, Aria?"
She swallowed hard. "I....I did."
"You're my division Sergeant. Why did you lie to me? How am I supposed to trust you with the division if you can't tell me the truth?"
"That was my only lie."
"It's still a lie."
She lowered her eyes. "Please forgive me, Sir. I meant no disrespect."
"Then why did you lie to me?"
"I hate shots." She muttered.
"Nobody likes them."
"It's my sister, Sir! Do you have any idea how crazy she is with those needles!? Especially with me!"
He chuckled and shook his head. "Did it kill you before?"
"Well.... no."
He smiled and rose from his chair, folder in hand. "Then lets get you caught up."
She paled. "Wh....what!? All at once?!?!" She began to back away from him. "I think I will pass."
He lowered the folder to his desk. "No, I think you better get caught up. Look, Aria, I am not one to force anyone to do something the are afraid of, but unfortunately, those shots are a part of being in the military. You have to get them, darling."
She took a step back, the door coming open behind her.
She spun around to dart out the door, but he grabbed her right upper arm, stopping her as he pulled her back slightly. "You are making this more difficult then it needs to be. Just get it over with."
"No! I won't!" She cried, slipping out of her top.
He raised his brows, looking at the shirt he held in his hands. "You want to run? That's fine. I like chasing my prey." He thought before tossing the shirt aside and going after her.
She tripped out the door before running down the corridor.
Rha' took off at full speed, sliding out the door as he made the sudden left turn, following her. "Aria, you cannot out run me." He chuckled, gaining on her.
She made a sudden stop and whipped around, diving between his legs before scrambling to her feet in an attempt to take off in the opposite direction.
Rha' spun around quickly as she got back on her feet, but she didn't get far though. He caught her by the arm and spun her around to face him.
She cried out as he grabbed her other arm and pushed her against the bulkhead. "Aria, my dear, I had no idea you were so eager to take your clothes off in front of me." He teased, a chuckle escaping him as he kept her wrists pinned near her waist.
She blushed as her lips parted in a silent gasp. "It's a sports bra, Sir. It's meant to be worn without a shirt."
"I see. Tell me, where did you plan on going?" He asked with a sly smile. "We are on a ship in outer space, my sweet. You can't get away from me that easily."
"I can still try!" She replied, fighting his grasp.
He leaned close as he pulled her arms up and pinned them against the bulkhead beside her head. "I rather enjoyed that little pursuit. You are quite fast, but I caught you. So, that means you are mine now, am I correct?"
Her eyes widened as she looked up at him. He continued to hold her captive against the bulkhead.
"Yes." She whispered before slowly looking him over as a flood of desires engulfed her. "Oh how I wish I was yours." She thought.
Rha' also looked her over. "By the Prophets, I want her bad!" He thought, looking at her neck and slowly leaned closer.
Aria's heart began to thump in her chest as his mandibles brushed against her soft neck. She closed her eyes and bit her lower lip as she tilted her head slightly. She was turned on to a whole different level and the frustration was starting to build.
He looked at her face and smiled before slowly gliding his hands down her arms. She looked up at him as he pulled away from her. Her face and chest were flushed slightly and she had an intense look of desire in her eyes.
A shudder made it's way though his body as he kept his eyes locked with hers.
She kept her hands against the bulkhead as her eyes conveyed a message of longing. She blinked them slowly as her heart nearly raced in her chest. "God, I want him now!!" She thought, licking her lips seductively. She lowered her arms and raised her right hand, touching his cheek. "Rha'?" She whispered.
He leaned closer. "Yes, Aria?"
She took his other cheek and pulled him close, pressing her lips to his mandibles.
He closed his eyes and took her hips, holding her gently as he enjoyed their kiss.
She moved her hands down his chest armor before gripping his jumpsuit at his waist.
She nearly jumped away from him suddenly, startling him. "I'm sorry, Sir! I should not have done that!"
He pressed a finger to her lips, silencing her as he leaned close once again. Without a word, he took her cheeks and kissed her lips.
She grabbed his wrists and closed her eyes as a whimper escaped her throat.
"Ah, there's my next patient!" Kayla announced, nearing them. "Are you ready, Aria? Ooo, am I interrupting something?"
She pulled away from him quickly as he took a step away from her.
"No, Sergeant." He replied. "We were just on our way to see you."
"I see... Well, I am ready for you. I just have to deal with Chief real quick first." She raised her hand, showing the bag of large needles. "Regular needles don't work on him. Oh, some of these are for you as well, sister."
Aria suddenly felt a little faint and began to slide down the bulkhead.
Rha' looked at her as Kayla laughed and walked away. "Aria?" He grabbed her before she was completely on the floor.
"Please, Sir. I can't do it."
"Sorry, but we need to get you caught up with your shots." He replied, letting go of her arms after she steadied herself.
"I'd rather face a Jiralhanae Chieftain!!" She hollered as she tried to dart away from him, but he grabbed her waist. "Lets hope that never happens."
She cried out as he lifted her over his shoulder. "Rha'!?! Put me down!!" She tried pushing herself off his shoulder, but her hands slipped on his smooth armor.
"I guess we are going to do this the hard way." He replied, ignoring her protest.
"You are enjoying this, aren't you, Sir?"
"Perhaps." He replied, placing his hand just above her ass.
She cried out in frustration and began kicking her legs. "Put me down!!" She ordered.
"Are you barking orders at me, Sergeant Peril?" He teased.
An enraged cry escaped her and she kicked her legs harder. Her left shoe suddenly flew off her foot. It hit the bulkhead and bounced back, hitting his chest armor before falling to the floor.
He looked at her foot and gently glided a finger down its curves. "You have small feet and nice high arches."
She giggled and curled her toes as she pulled her foot away. "That tickles!!"
He chuckled and picked up her shoe before leaving the corridor.
She sighed heavily, allowing him to carry her.
He spun around suddenly. "I nearly forgot your record."
Rha' stood beside Aria as they waited for Kayla to finish with her first patient. He looked over her record before taking a glance at her. "Relax. Being all tense makes it ten times worse."
She narrowed her eyes at him. "That doesn't make me feel any better, Sir."
"Chief!" Kayla's voice echoed through sickbay suddenly. "Stop flexing! You keep breaking my needles!!"
"What, you don't like my pecks?" He replied, flexing his pectoral muscles one at a time. "I thought you wanted to become one with mother Russia?"
Kayla rolled her eyes. "Don't make me take out the big guns, Chief."
"I got big guns right here for you, baby."
She cried out in rage and stomped out of the room.
"Wow." Aria laughed. "What an entertaining conversation." She looked up at Rha'. He wasn't paying attention to her as he looked off in the direction of the waiting room before looking back down at her file.
She slowly slipped off the gurney and tried to make an exit, but he grabbed her waist and lifted her from the ground. "Going somewhere?" He asked, pushing her back down onto the gurney.
Her eyes widened as he stood over her, keeping her pinned.
He nudged a leg between hers as he leaned close, pinning her hands above her head. "I'll hold you down all day if I have to." He tilted his head slightly. "Hmmm, I like you in this position."
Her face flushed a deep red. "What would you do to me in this position?" She asked in a shy whisper.
He leaned closer. "What would you like me to do?" He asked in Sangheili.
She parted her lips in a silent gasp.
Rha' chuckled, but then became serious as he spotted a scar on her right shoulder. He grabbed her arm gently. "How did you get that?"
"Huh?" She looked at her shoulder. "Oh, a Spec-Ops Swordsman had engaged me."
"A swordsman?! and you survived?!"
"Obviously." She giggled. "We took off in separate directions after he was tossed over my shoulder."
Rha' gasped and released her, remembering that afternoon.
She looked up at him. "What is it, Sir?"
"That was me!" He blurted.
"You!?" She gasped as she sat up.
Suddenly a stinging was felt in her left arm. Aria cried out and pulled away. They were too busy talking to notice Kayla had entered the room.
She grinned at her sister. "The next one is going in your ass cheek."
She paled. "What!?"
"You heard me, sister. Get off the gurney and bend over it!"
Aria slowly got off the gurney and did as she was told.
"I think I will wait outside for this one." Rha' said, moving to the door.
"No!" Aria cried. She clasped her mouth shut quickly before lowering her head. "I mean, I...I don't mind if you wait in here, Sir. I'd rather not be alone with her."
"Hey!" Kayla spoke suddenly. "Don't I have the nicest sister, Sir?"
He chuckled and nodded before turning his attention back to Aria. "Are you sure? A shot in the rear is a little.... well... you know?.... personal."
"Well, don't look then." She teased.
"It's not like I have to pull down her pants or anything, Sir." Kayla said. "I just need to pull them down a little. Just enough to see the top of her ass cheek. See?" She said, pulling her pants almost to her knees.
He leaned over to look. "Looks like a full moon to me."
Kayla began to laugh hysterically, nearly falling over. "Oh my god!!! I never thought a Sangheili could joke!"
"We're full of surprises, Sergeant Peril."
"Sir!" Aria gasped.
He pulled back and turned away from her. "Sorry, Aria."
For a moment, no words were spoken while they tried to compose themselves.
Kayla, on the other hand, could not stop laughing. "I'm going to get hiccups! That was too much!!" She forced herself to stop laughing and tried to focus on her breathing in an attempt to calm herself down.
"You... You have a nice butt by the way." Rha' whispered suddenly.
Kayla bumped her arm. Aria looked at her and she moved her eyebrows teasingly.
She blushed, unsure of how to respond to that. "So, that was you, huh?" She asked, changing the subject.
He nodded.
"You would have killed me?"
"Considering the circumstances, yes." He replied.
She suddenly squealed and gripped the gurney.
He spun around to face her. "Are you okay?"
She made a pained face. "Fine." She suddenly smashed her face into the gurney cushion. "Ow! Ow! Ow!" She muttered, her voice muffled.
"You would have let me kill you?" He questioned. "Cause clearly you had no desire to shoot at me."
She looked up at him. "Let you? No, but I would not have pulled the trigger."
She flinched as the needle was pulled from her flesh. "I have a great respect for Sangheili. All my time on the battlefield I never once shot at a Sangheili, but to be fair, you were the only one I actually ran into."
"She's attracted to your race, Sir." Kayla blurted suddenly.
Aria's face turned ten shades redder.
Rha' smiled. "Yeah, I gathered that."
"Don't listen to her, Sir. She has no idea what she's talking about."
"I know exactly what I'm talking about...."
"Kayla! If you don't shut your mouth right now I'm going to stab you in the heart with that needle!" Aria ordered through clenched teeth.
She made a funny face and took a deep breath. "Fair enough."
Aria pulled her pants back up, careful not to bump her tender spot.
"That wasn't so bad now was it, Sergeant?" Rha' teased.
"Oh, sure, it wasn't you who got the shots, Sir."
"We're not done yet." Kayla broke in, grabbing nine syringes and the rest of her supplies.
"Nine?! Kayla, are you trying to drain me of all my blood?!"
She laughed. "It takes more then that to drain the Human body of its blood." She prepped Aria's arm and began drawing blood.
She sat silently as she kept her head turned away and her eyes closed, trying to keep herself calm.
Rha' smiled as his eyes scanned her face before stopping on her lips.
"All done!" Kayla announced, disconnecting the tube. She pulled off the rubber tourniquet and tossed it into the trash before pulling the needle from her flesh. "Hold this." She said, pressing a gauze to her arm.
Aria pushed her finger onto the small gauze as Kayla finished putting stuff away and returned with a character bandaid. She pulled off the gauze and placed the bandaid over the tiny hole. "There, you can rock one of my special bandaids."
"Gee, thanks." Aria mocked. "Am I done?"
"No, I got five more shots for you."
She cried and dropped back onto the gurney.
After fifteen agonizing minutes, Kayla was finally done.
"Am I done now?"
"Yep." She replied, gathering her supplies and parading from the room.
Aria sighed and rubbed her arms as she slid of the gurney slowly so she wouldn't bump her tender ass cheek.
Rha' smiled and followed her out into the waiting room where Chief was leaning against the bulkhead. "Do you want to become one with mother Russia, Aria?" He said in a seductive voice.
She raised her brows, but before a word escaped her lips, Rha' grabbed him by his chest armor and shoved him against the bulkhead.
"No! She is mine!" He snarled, his left wrist blade activated.
"Whoa, Sir. I was just messing around. No need to take it personally."
Aria and Kayla were at a loss for words as they stood there, their jaws almost to the floor.
"There you go, Aria. He has officially claimed you." Kayla whispered before she shook off the surprise and stepped between them. "I'll take it from here, Sir." She grabbed Chief by his waist armor as Rha' let go of him. "What are you doing out here, Chief? I'm not done with you yet. Get back in the examination room."
"Yes, ma'am." He strutted back into the exam room.
"Oh, the things I have to put up with." She sighed.
Rha' deactivated his blade and turned back to Aria.
She was still in shock, but she pretended to brush it off. "Let's get out of here, Sir, before she decides she wants to poke me some more."
He chuckled and nodded.
Moments before they left the waiting room they heard Chief's voice coming from the exam room. "So, come here often?" He said, laying on the gurney in his super hero boxers.
Kayla ignored him, pulling out a rather large needle.
A girlie cry of pain echoed through sickbay as the doors closed behind Rha' and Aria.
She rubbed her right ass cheek as she walked beside him. "I can't believe Chief screams like a girl."
Rha' chuckled before looking down at her. "What some help rubbing that out?" He teased.
She took a sideways glance at him and laughed gently before she looked up at him. "Sure." She replied with a sly smile. "Though, it's usually the girl that asks if the guy needs help rubbing it out."
Her response startled him slightly, but he returned her smile.
Aria shook her head and giggled. "So, that was you who had engaged me seven years ago?" She said. "I still can't get over it."
He nodded. "I was quite stunned in your strength. I have never seen a Human throw a Sangheili like that. Let alone, a female."
She shrugged. "Must have been fear. Scientists say women are stronger then men when need be. Was that the reason you didn't attack further?"
"Part of it, but when I saw that group of soldiers I knew I was badly outnumbered. Why did you let me go?"
"I didn't want to kill you. Nor did I want them to. You were the only Sangheili I came across the whole time I was in the field. Like I said, I have always had a deep respect for your race."
"Sexual attraction." Kayla broke in, walking by them.
Aria lowered her head. "She's crazy, Sir. Please don't believe everything she says."
"Just admit it already, Aria!" Kayla stated, turning around to face them. "It's not like he doesn't already know that you are attracted to him! Not to mention, I only caught you kissing in the corridor!"
She kept her head down as her cheeks burned.
"Yes, I saw that! Quit trying to deny it! You are both attracted to each other!"
Rha' looked down at her, startled.
She smiled at him. "Yes, Sir. I know these things." She said as she turned on her heals and walked away.

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