With You I'm Home

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Luna washed her scales with the dew in their home. Blue was beside her, also getting ready. The siblings had set up a double date with Cricket and Swordtail, and she wanted to look the best she could.

"So," she said, turning around to face her brother. "Are you ready?"

"I think so. I'm a little nervous, though," he admitted.

"Me too. But hey, if we can save the world from an evil mind-controlling plant, I think we can survive a double date with our respective partners," Luna pointed out.

Blue grinned. "'Respective partners'?" he echoed. "You're starting to sound like Cricket."

Luna rolled her eyes affectionately. "Oh!" she exclaimed, checking her internal clock. "It's almost eleven. Let's head down there and sweep them off their feet!"

Blue nodded, and the two of them climbed off of the webs and onto the trees supporting them, spreading their wings and taking off into the cool morning air. It was nice up here, with the sun just peeking its head over the horizon and the chill in the breeze balancing it out. The sunlight cast its rays on Pantala, causing the trees to glow a terrific yellow through the green and brown of their leaves and branches. Even though she'd seen the sight of it countless times, it still made her breath catch with its beauty. She hoped the sight would always amaze her like it did now.

At close to noon, they both glided down to land on Cicada Hive between dragons bustling this way and that. They then headed to the middle of the Hive, to the Mosaic Garden.

When they got there, it was fairly quiet. There were some dragons laying around it, but for the most part it was empty.

"I guess they haven't gotten here yet," Blue said.

"We're here!" a voice proclaimed, and a moment later Swordtail stepped out of the shadows. He stood majestically, flaring his wings and curving his neck cockily to the side.

"Hey guys!" Cricket said, darting in front of Swordtail and making him scowl.

"Hey! I was trying to look beautiful and majestic!" he protested.

"This isn't a romance novel," Cricket pointed out. "It's just a casual date. You don't have to go over the top to impress your boyfriend."

Blue came up beside Swordtail and brushed their wings together. "I thought you looked very handsome," he said loyally.

Swordtail grinned and shot Cricket a glare. "See," he said triumphantly. "It does work."

Cricket came up beside Luna and sighed. "He always has to make everything a spectacle, doesn't he?"

"Yep," Luna agreed, twining their tails together. Cricket gave her a smile that made her heart melt.

"So, should we go?" Blue suggested.

"Yeah!" Cricket enthused.

"Let's go get some honey drops!" Luna sang.

The four of them purchased some honey drops to share from a stall and headed back to the Mosaic Garden to eat and talk.

"How has living in the LeafSilk Kingdom been going?" Cricket asked. "Is it nice there?"

"Yeah, we love it there," Luna answered. "It's so peaceful. I love seeing dragons of different tribes all getting along; it feels like my dream weaving come true. What about you? How's your book going?"

Cricket had been conducting a study of plants in the Poison Jungle and writing a book about it. "It's fascinating how these plants have evolved to protect themselves from dragons over time," she would always remark.

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