Chapter One - CreekStar

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The sound of a voice echoed through the camp, "All cats old enough to see the setting sun, gather to attend this meeting!"

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The sound of a voice echoed through the camp, "All cats old enough to see the setting sun, gather to attend this meeting!"

CreekKit trotted out of the den, looking around. Holding her head high, she suddenly got picked up. Her mother, SandPelt, had lifted her off the ground.

"Mama, where are we going." CreekKit demanded, wiggling a little.

"We're going to the meeting, Creek." SandPelt replied, then setting CreekKit down on the ground. CreekKit looked up, seeing the leader upon the rock.

"Wonder what this is going to be about." She huffed, grumbling out the sentence.

"Hush, CreekKit. The meeting is about to start." Her mother lowered herself down to the kit, whispering.

"Fiinnnee." Creek sighed, leaning onto her mother's leg. "I'm bored alreadyy!" Creek whined.

SandPelt shook her head, lifting her gaze up to the leader. Clearing his throat, GlowingStar began to speak as he sat down.

"Our deputy, StoneStep, has passed due to greencough. Hence, why we kept you all outside of the medicine cat's den. May he rest in StarClan." GlowingStar dipped his head lightly, closing his eyes with sorrow. The rest of the clan did the same, GlowingStar then lifting his head back up.

CreekKit sat there, confused. Looking up at her mother, she whispered.

"Mom, what is GlowingStar talking about?" Creek wondered, sniffling as the morning air was crisp and chilly.

"StoneStep has passed away, CreekKit." SandPelt replied softly, looking back up at GlowingStar. CreekKit tilted her head, shrugging and turning to the ground silently. She pawed at the dirt, boredly.

"I say these words before StarClan, so that spirits of StoneStep may hear and approve of my choice. The new deputy of DuskClan is SheepLeaf." GlowingStar looked over at the she-cat, smiling. SheepLeaf hopped up, smiling as well. Leaping onto the rock, she sat down.

"Thank you, GlowingStar!" Her voice gleamed happily, turning to GlowingStar. "You may continue." She dipped her head.

"We now have a few kits becoming apprentices. I need DoveKit, RabbitKit, QuailKit, and WillowKit to step up." GlowingStar looked at the four through the crowd. The kits running up to the rock, all smiling and happy. Turning to the first kit, he began. "DoveKit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as DovePaw. Your mentor will be PetalThroat, the medicine cat." He paused, "PetalThroat, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You had recieved excellent knowledge of herbs and what to use from RapidPool, who is now in the elder den. I expect you to pass on all you know to DovePaw." PetalThroat nodded at GlowingStar.

"I will do my best, GlowingStar." The she-cat dipped her head, looking at DovePaw. The apprentice glanced at PetalThroat, smiling.

"Rabbitkit, you have reached the age of six moons, it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as RabbitPaw. Your mentor will be PounceFall." GlowingStar paused once more, looking down at RabbitPaw. "PounceFall, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You had received excellent training from DustStep, who is now a senior warrior. I expect you to pass all you know to RabbitPaw."

Once GlowingStar had finished the four apprentices' ceremony, he sighed. CreekKit yawned, looking up at SandPelt.

"Mom, when will I become an apprentice?" She questioned, demandingly.

SandPelt replied, "When you have reached six moons, which will be in five moons." CreekKit groaned.

"I have to wait THAT long?? That's so longgg." She whined, flopping onto her back and staring up at her mother.

"Come on now." SandPelt chuckled, standing up, "It'll come faster than you know it.Now, stop being a bratty kit, and let's get back to the nursery." The queen purred down to her kit, picking her up gently by the scruff. Trotting back to the nursery.

Sitting down, SandPelt set CreekKit onto the moss bed. CreekKit rolled her eyes.

"Go play, now, CreekKit. And don't be so arrogant this time." SandPelt mewed, watching CreekKit strut out.

"I'm going, I'm going. But if I die to another kit, it's your fault, mom." Creek replied, holding her head high. Stepping out of the den, Creek was immediately tackled by another kit. Screaming and squealing, Creek pushed the other kit off of her. Hissing weakly, she ran back inside the den to her mother.

SandPelt had seen the whole scene, laughing.

"Mom!! I almost got killed! How could you be laughing?!" CreekKit snarled at the queen. Going over to a different moss bed than her mother's she curled into a ball and began going to sleep.

Five Moons Later.

CreekKit yawned herself awake. Jumping onto her mother.

"Mommmmmm, wake up, wake up, wake up!" CreekKit yelled excitedly.

Groaning quietly, SandPelt lifted her head, "Whhattt?.." She spoke drowsily, looking at CreekKit.

"I turned six moons today, mom! Come on, come on! Let's go tell GlowingStar! Quick!" CreekKit began nudging her mother to get up.

"Alright, alright. I'm coming." She got up, stretching as she yawned.

The two padded over to GlowingStar, CreekKit speaking first.

"GlowingStar, GlowingStar! I'm six moons! When do I get my apprentice ceremony??" She bowed down,  looking up at the leader excitedly.

GlowingStar laughed, "Calm down, CreekKit, I'll call a meeting soon." GlowingStar smiled down at the kit.

"Okay! Come on, mom! Let's go wait in the clearing!" CreekKit strutted over to the clearing and sat. After a few minutes, GlowingStar stepped up onto the rock, yowling out.

"All cats old enough to see the setting sun, gather to attend this meeting!" He yowled, the clan beginning to gather and turn their gaze up to him. He sat down, looking and waiting for everyone to be there.

Everyone gathered around, GlowingStar sighed. Flicking his tail lightly.

"Today, we have a kit becoming an apprentice. CreekKit please step forward." He spoke, "CreekKit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as CreekPaw. Your mentor will be SheepLeaf, the deputy." He looked down at CreekPaw, then over at SheepLeaf. "SheepLeaf, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You had received excellent training from LostRaven, who is now a senior warrior. I expect you to pass all you know to CreekPaw."

SheepLeaf nodded, looking over at CreekPaw and smiling. CreekPaw smiled back, the newly apprenticed cat stepped back into the crowd and next to another apprentice. Looking over, she smiled warmly. The other apprentice rolling their eyes and hissing silently. CreekPaw tilted her head, confused..

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2022 ⏰

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