The Begining

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It all started on a cool summer after noon in August under the giant weeping willow tree in Madelaine's back yard where she stared silently at the sky. Madelaine loved this tree it had been here since she was born, September 9, 2001, to be exact. She was almost 13 now and entering 7th grade. She was scared to enter her new school and she hated the thought of getting up early to catch the 7:00 bus. She new that deep down in side it was going to be a good year and fly by.

Madelaine liked school. Her teachers,friends,and even the work. Except, there was one thing that she hated about school....BOYS!!! She hated boys. They were so unresposible and..and..and..STUPID!!!! Well that was most boys at least, some were cool and calm, who did sports and loved to read or write. Besides she was too young to have a boyfriend anyway, or was she? The thought of boys spun in her head, round and round a never ending rollercoaster. And that rollercoaster's name...was LIFE.
OK so obviously this is only the begining and there is a lot more to come. I will update when ever I can and I hope u guys are intrested so far

XO Kalleigh

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2015 ⏰

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