Chapter 4

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Steve leaned back a little, Eddie's hand still resting on his shoulder. His eyes were wide, a shocked expression on his face. "Oh", he whispered. Eddie avoided his eyes as he let go, moving to stand from the bed. Trying to put more space between himself and Steve.

"Yeah. No surprise that the freak is also a queer" he said, venom edging his voice.

Steve moved the covers and slid across the bed to stand, facing him. He gently grabbed his arms and Eddie flinched, staring at the floor. Steve tried to meet his eyes as he spoke. "Hey man, don't call yourself that. It doesn't bother me that you're gay. I mean shit, my best friend is a -" he snapped his mouth shut, cursing himself for almost spilling Robin's secret.

"Steve, you know about Robin?" Eddie asked, looking up at him curiously.

"Well...yeah. Wait, you know about Robin?"

Eddie giggled before responding, "you know what they say, birds of a feather and all." Steve laughed and shook his head, hands dropping to rest on his hips. Of course, he noticed the two had become close friends after the battle. He always just assumed it was because they were both outcasts in high school. It all made sense now, and if Eddie was gay, there's no way he would judge Steve for his recent discovery. He thought about the man's words and licked his lips, preparing to say what had been lying heavily on his heart.

"Speaking of the little shit, I was gonna meet up with her and Nancy for lunch. Care to join me, Harrington?" Eddie interrupted with a smirk. Steve paused, brows pinched in consideration. Despite all the tears he cried, he felt better than he had in weeks. He looked at Eddie and gave a soft smile.

"That sounds great. Do I have time to shower? I probably look like hot garbage."

"Of course. Take your time, I'll run home to change then I'll be back to pick you up" Eddie said, tapping his shoulder before sauntering out of the room. Before he reached the stairs, he popped his head back in.

"Oh, and Steve? You still look great, even after a rough night" he added with a wink before disappearing out of sight. Steve's eyes widened as his face heated with blush. This man will be the death of me.

After a much needed shower, Steve was rifling around his drawers looking for something to wear. He finally settled on tight blue jeans and his white and blue striped polo, unbuttoning it slightly. Then he went to style his hair, for the first time in forever. What had once been his most prominent feature was now a mop of brown strands hanging sadly from his head. He didn't want to do too much, just a little blow drying with some product for volume. Once he was satisfied, the boy smiled and shot finger-guns at his reflection. He's still got it. He left the bathroom and headed downstairs to wait for his friend.
Steve heard Eddie coming before he saw his van, metal guitars blasting from the speakers. The black vehicle parked next to the curb and Steve stood from the couch, opening the door before the man could knock.

"Hey Stevie! Long time no see" Eddie giggled as he leaned on the door frame. He was wearing tight black jeans with tears in the knee, his usual chains and a cropped Judas Priest shirt. His midriff was exposed, pants resting low on his hips and black tattoos were fully displayed on his bare, muscled arms. He Steve raked his eyes up and down, trying to take it all in. Eddie smirked as he leaned in closer.
"You gonna keep checking me out or can we blow this joint?"
Steve quickly averted his gaze, looking at his shoes as blush started creeping up his face. Eddie laughed and reached out, taking his hand. Steve felt his heart rate skyrocket as Eddie led him to the van and opened the passenger door for him.

"Oh, uh, t-thank you" he stuttered, face still burning as he climbed in. Eddie shut the door behind him and jogged to the driver's side, swinging the door open and sliding into his seat. They rode in comfortable silence for a few minutes until Eddie spoke:

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