Chapter 4

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Heyy guys !! So i know I've been going AWOL a whole lot....*cowers away from your very heated angry gazes*...but I'm trying something with vampires cause you know I'm usually all for the guys n girls that can become huge dogs  :)...please tell me how it is..I want to continue it but it's all at you guys. Thanks !! Don't forget to C & V !!! :D

P.S: I know I haven't interacted and swapped chit-chat like I usually do at the top of the chapters but I just really wanted to get them up..I'll talk a whole lot more now. :)

P.S #2: I'm going to be adding some new terms to the story. They'll be ancient so at the top I'll have the term and it's definition along with how it's pronounced, k? :)

Term #1: Ghardiuns: (pronounced : Guardians) a chosen group of vampires who were assigned for the protection of their race and therefore titled "warriors". They are enhanced in every way possible (speed, strength, stamina etc.) and live secluded from the rest of the race, with their King, Rhevenge.

Term #2: Leghund: (pronounced : legend) the language in which only the warriors of the race could use in the old days upon learning of their future in the race. Today, because of modern speech and the need to conceal themselves among the humans, they have adopted their speech, but the Brothers still use it from time to time, only in grave or very emotional situations. (Aside from Ahnger, of course, who does whatever the hell he wants) 

Term #3 (from chapter 2): Vhishon: (pronounced : vision) the only place that the vampires can go to find out about their future and guidance from the Fhates.

Term #4: Shadhow: (pronounced : shadow) the enemy of the Vampire race. Their creator Xelces believes that he should be ruler and therefore has made a race of undeads to hunt the rhegulas of the vampire race. The Ghardiuns protect their race by battling these entities.

Term #5: Rhegulas: (pronounced : regulas) the 'civlians' of the vampire race.

Term #6: Phartner: (pronounce : partner) the soul mate of another vampire. There is only one in  life.

Term #7: Dhungeon: (pronounced : dungeon) Known in English as Hell.

So anyway, read and enjoy !!


Chapter 4:

"Ah, so he does believe they're more important matters than where to go for beer."

Phire spoke to no one in particular as he sent Angher a dirty look. And it was just as well cause no one but him was listening. Angher moved to a plush black chair and sat comfortably into it, leaning back and placing both his arms on the handles in a leisurely way. Getting up was officially impossible. 

Not that he was planning on it. 

His lazy eyes slowly moved across the room, then back to Phire. 

"Of course, dear Phira," he said using a dry voice and his name in the Leghund language, "absolutely nothing matters more to me than discussing for weeks upon end on how to kill a shadhow before actually killing one. These moments are the highlights of my life."

Annnnnnd of course, all eyes turned to him at this point.

None of which were even slightly amused.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2014 ⏰

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