E Pluribus Unum

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I lick my lips as we are still staring at the gate to the Upside Down. I grip the window tighter for me to look at Dusty and Steve for us to nod on that; we know exactly what that thing is, and this is bad, "The gate." we three say as we then begin to leave, wanting to get out of here fast before they notice us even being in here, "I don't understand. You've seen this before?" Robin questions as I look at her as we rush down the steps; sorry, Robin, we didn't tell you in the beginning, but we aren't allowed to tell people; it's like the rule of law or something like that, "Not exactly." I answer, cringing. This doesn't look good. We are in such deep Shit if we are caught here, "Then what, exactly?" Robin questions as we look at her for us to come into the room where we last looked at each other while talking, "All you need to know is it's bad." Dusty answers as I nod at that looking to Robin; we need to get out, "It's really bad." Steve says as I nod at his words because this could be the end, "Like end-of-the-human-race-as-we-know-it kind of bad." Dusty says as we stop to turn to Robin to speak with her as she looks at us with Erica doing the same, "And you know about this how?" Robin questions for me to notice then that the Russian guy is gone. I pull Steve's shirt a little on what I am seeing to gulp in on the fact that he is gone, "Um, Steve? Where's your Russian friend?" I question as he looks at me and then at the ground and sees that the Russian guy is gone but then the alarm blares for me to have fear travelling through me. 

Steve runs over to the door opening it for me to gulp in. We are so dead, "Shit." Steve says, staring out of the room, knowing we will have to run soon, "Halt! Halt!" I heard the Russians yell as Steve then shut the door for me to look at him as I stood between the kids holding their shoulders to keep them safe, "Shit. Go, go, go, go, go!" Steve tells us as we run away for me to follow them. I feel my blood pumping in my ears; if we are caught, we are dead, "Shit."

Dustin says as we run up the stairs and out into the area, we were not supposed to go to look at the scientists. For me to do a little wave at them, trying to make it a little happier in here, I hope, "hi", I say as we look to them as they go wide-eyed at us being here in the first place, "Move! Let's move! Go! Shit! Shit, Shit, Shit!" Steve says to grab my arm, pulling me along as I run with him out of there to the main laser area for me to run with the guys with the Russain's yelling in the background, suspecting it is 'stop' or 'don't move' which sounds about right in my head, "Go, go, go!" Steve yells as he pulls me along for me to hear Dustin shriek like a girl while pushing someone out of the way for me to hold in my laughter, scared if I speak, I will throw up; we come to the end of the line for me to look at Steve in the hope he has a plan right now, " Holy Shit! Holy Shit! Holy Shit! Holy Shit! Holy Shit! Shit! Holy Shit! Holy Shit!" Dusty kept repeating as he then gasps for air from talking too much, "Holy shit!" Dusty finishes for me to give him a look at that, not wishing to give him a lecture right now as I turn, seeing the guards coming our way, "Guards!" I get out as I look at the Russians with the colour running from my face. 

We have to move now, "Go!" Erica screams as I look at Steve. We must get out of here for them so we don't die, "This way!" Steve yells as we go down the stairs, with Steve pushing people out of the way as we run behind him. I let go of his hand while the Russians yell in the background while we are looking around for an escape, "Oh, shit! Oh, shit!" Steve says as we see more guards for him to knock over some metal bins to prevent them from getting us, "Whoa!" Erica says as I shake in my shoes. Where the hell are we going, "Come on! Go, go, go, go, go!" Steve yells as I make sure the children run with me as I fear they will catch us and torture us for information, "Come on!" I yell as I find a room to run that way for the others to follow me, "Shit!"

As Robin follows me to the room, Steve yells, "This way!" Robin says as I open the door getting everyone in quickly, wanting to get out of here and fast, "Come on, quick!" Robin yells as we make it inside for me to look around; we can't get out, I am going to die from Russians trying to kill me, and I am stuck in a room while doing so, "Hold the door!" Steve yells as he slams the door on the Russians as I stand with the kids breathing heavily on all the running, which has me back the children away to see the air vent running over there to lift it, "Robin! Shit!" I heard Steve yell as Erica helped me raise it, jumping in, "Help me, come on!" Steve yells some more as Robin runs over there to hold the door for me, then runs over to Steve and Robin, knowing they need help. 

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