Chapter 2

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(I inserted a picture on top for the sake of doing so. Lol just take it as Jungkook's room)

Often than naught, Jeon Jungkook had been told his observation skills were immaculate. However, numerous disliked his impeccable scrutiny for they revealed what they wished to hide. Consequently, Jungkook rarely spoke up unless he felt the situation required him to. That was a rare occurrence.

Maybe it was true when they said, "The eyes are the window to the soul." for in moments where Jimin felt no one was staring, the sadness would overshadow his eyes like a fog blurring a car window. It was depressing to watch yet Jungkook could not stop himself.

It was rather bemusing since it seemed everyone did this. Everyone was like the moon, one part of them remained hidden in the chambers of their hearts and minds. Did people find comfort in the fact that no one truly knew them? Or was it the contentment in knowing they were an enigma? Jungkook felt his heart ache for the shorter male. He wanted to embrace him and whisper consolatory words. However, he could only gaze subtly. 

It was heart wrenching to watch someone you had come to find so stunning ruin their own life day by day. Jungkook didn't know what to do. Having been called out for his vigilance he was reluctant to approach the omega. He knew a hostile reply was due. But having to watch Jimin break was even more depressing. 

One fine day, he approached the table and found- much to his surprise mind you - Taehyung  lecturing Jimin. The latter had agreed to help Minseok with his studies despite his friends' warnings. He had in turn tried to touch him inappropriately. Jungkook had found the two and  helped Jimin delivering a few punches to the alpha's face.  

"Jimin ah you need to learn to say no." Taehyung scolded, worried eyes gazing into his friend's teary ones. "I don't know how," the said male replied. 

"You do know this cannot continue right? If you say no it does not make you insolent or anything akin to that. You can politely decline someone's request by saying, "Unfortunately I'm a bit busy today. Maybe next time." or "I cannot help you today. Maybe another time." There are numerous ways of politely saying no. If a person isn't a dipshit they would not take offense. I know it is hard for you and I truly understand but you knew that something was off with Minseok yet you still went Jimin ah. You're gonna have to learn to protect yourself. Your friends will not always be there." Jungkook noticed Jimin flinching a little. Eyes morphing into one's with worry he decided the omega had received enough for today. 

"Tae let him go for now. He's heard enough," Jungkook suggested earning a sigh from the male. "Fine but this cannot continue. I'm not gonna watch my friend be harassed by alphas who can't keep their dicks to themselves." Jimin sighed wiping his face furiously. "I'll learn. Just give me time." Jungkook offered him a soft smile catching the omega off guard, "We know you will Jimin-ah." Holding back a blush, he looked down and nodded. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ *** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Class was shit since Jungkook could not focus. His mind would wander off to the stunning male who's eyes resembled dark pools of depression. I could be wrong he thought yet his alpha refused to acknowledge his excuses clawing at him to confront the omega. He could not do that for obvious reasons but to say he did not want to bombard Jimin with questions would be a lie. Fucking hell! Focus Jeon Jungkook! The young alpha chided himself eyes veering to the blank page which should have been filled with notes. Sighing in frustration Jungkook scribbled notes on the board down. Though he concentrated on the lecture, a dazzling smile and alluring yet sad eyes plagued his thoughts.

Lost in his musings Jungkook found himself in an empty hallway. Fuck! He cursed in his head. Chastising himself once again Jungkook looked about disorientated. Being new to the university he didn't know his way about. A whimper echoed into the air alerting the male. Following the sound of the voice, he found a boy crouched hugging his knees. His ankle seemed to be sprained. 

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