The Game Meet Up

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Sheba and longan are at one of Logan's son's football games. While they are rooting for Logan's son every time he makes a touchdown. Candice and their other son show up at the game
Candice who is Logan's baby mama also walks up with Sheba's best friend Harmony's ex-boyfriend Dwight who was a drug dealing and drug-taking trifling asss man. Who has been clean for 3 years? See Candice has always been attracted to fast-money men that's why she was with Logan when he was running the streets. What sheba doesn't know is that Dwight has been working with his uncle larry laying cement around the city and making money. Sheba looked upside his head rolling her eyes and when he tried to speak to her she start tripping Dwight what is this? Does she know you do drugs? Candice butt in real quick and told her to mind her Damn business. My man is clean and has been clean for a very long time. Logan cut them both off and told them to chill and sit down it's halftime...Sheba just set down upset she didn't know what to do Dwight started talking to logan and Sheba he told them that him and Candice had been taking trips and hitting off strong. Next thing he asked Logan was if he approve of him being around his kids? Logan said yes. That's when Dwight got down on one knee proposing to Candice. Sheba yelled nooooo out loud. While Candice screamed yessss and kissed him in front of Logan trying to make him jealous. Logan was happy so she can stay out of his and Sheba's way. Everyone was excited except Sheba even Logan's kids were celebrating with their mom after the game..
The next couple of days Harmony had been calling Sheba but Sheba tried to avoid hanging out with Harmony because she has this big secret and she doesn't want to hurt her friend. Sheba was not thinking that not telling Harmony is going to hurt her more. So she has been staying booked at her hair salon more and also working on opening a stripper pole event room

SHEBA'S SECRETSحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن