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We waited for Andrew to come back. While waiting, we just watched the movie, Just Go With It. Andrew finally got back at 3:05

"Andrew! Mom said before 3!" I scolded him

"Annika. Look at the clock. 3:05. I was just 5 minutes late!"

"I dont care! Im just following rules here!"

"Well what about you?" He asked

"What about me?"

"I know your curfew is 10 pm right? But you usually come home at 12! 2 hours late is worse than 5 minutes!" He complained

"Hey my curfew isnt the issue here!" Then we yelled at each other like kids.

"Guys! Are you done fighting?" Chloe asked

"Nope! Not until I do this!" He grabbed a can from his bag then squirted it.

"Andrewwww" Then I chased him around the house. Dad's not home. He went grocery shopping. He squirted me with whipped cream. WHIPPED CREAM!!! Chloe was chasing us too because she wanted us to stop.

I chased him around the kitchen, then he went upstairs and locked himself in his room

"Andrew! Get out of that room right now!" I shouted while pounding on his door

"No bloody way! You might have a knife when I get out!"

"I am not ghostface to stab you with a knife" I said.

"Im not going out until you cool down!" I can hear him laughing because of what he did to me. I stopped pounding on the door and went to my room to get whipped cream off my face.

"This is bllsht, bloody hell, fvck you,you bastrd" I cursed under my breath while washing my hair and face.

"Thats enough swearing for one day" Chloe said

"Whatever" I dried my hair and sat on my bed

Chloe giggled "here. To cool you down" She handed me a pint of ben and jerry's ice cream and a spoon. I grabbed it from her and ate the whole pint in 10 minutes

"I cant believe you finished all of it. Your gonna have a-"

"BRAINFREEEEEEZZZEEE!!!" I yelled as I rubbed my temples.

"Told you. Now are you cooled down?" Chloe asked

"Yeah Im fine, now lets go and prepare the plans for the investigation" we headed to Andrew's room and I went in

"Theres a word called knocking Annika"

"Yeah, but i dont use it that often"I said. He continued to play his video game

"Sorry" I said. He paused the video game and faced me

" Im sorry too" then we hugged

"Aww sibling love!" Chloe said

"So anyways! Lets start the planning shall we?" I said. We went to my room and Chloe showed her notebook to Andrew.

"I have a question" Andrew said

"Whats the first step here?"

"Thats a very good question. The answer to that is i dont know. Those are the possible things we could do to find him."

"Then lets do the easiest one first" Andrew said

"What's the easiest one?" I asked

"Its either we stalk him in his social media accounts and his relatives' accounts or we go and ask his parents personally" Andrew said

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