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Next Morning

3rd Pov:

It was bright and early in the Jung Residence. Little Nari girl, was doing some painting. As a way to relax. It was peaceful in her room.

A little too peaceful perhaps?

Then, the doors of her room open so suddenly, someone entered her room. Without knocking, they entered the girl's room. Nari was unaware of the person in the room. She was busy with her painting and also blasted some music with her headphones. Nothing going on, right?

But it wasn't the usual people that would call her. Not Ms. Oh, neither of her brothers, not even her father. Just a stranger that went in. Why would you go to a room uninvited? Who would go in her room?

Nari was unware of her surroundings.

It was an advantage to the stranger. She just made it easier for them.

As the person got closer, and closer to Nari.

The person was satisfied with distance they had between the girl. They carefully got a cloth they bought with them beforehand and put it Nari's face. Nari was startled and tried to fight of what ever was even going on. The person put more pressure on the cloth to the girl's face. Then eventually...

Everything turned black.

Nari shot her eyes wide open. Catching her breath, as she puts her hands on her chest. then she puts her hands on her face to feel if anything on her body is of. The girl was frightened. She had a nightmare about the incident.


"Shit.... Fuck!" She rubs her eyes together. She almost felt tears coming out here eyes. These days she didn't have any nightmares. She thought they came to end. Guess not.

She sat there for a good 2 minutes. Thinking about the nightmare she just had. Calming her self down, so it wouldn't seem obvious. It wasn't the first time she experienced this whole nightmare. She had the whole nightmare thing ever since she was 18. So not that long ago. She might keep it away from her family like before...  if they ask she will just say it's from stress...

But it is more than that...

"Why did I had that nightmare again?" First thing she said for today. "Whatever, They wouldn't know, they shouldn't know. I'll get over it, it's just a stupid dream." She assures herself. She checks the time at the alarm clock at her bedside table.

10:05 am

She wanted to get some breakfast. She got out of bed, went to her mirror to check herself, so she doesn't look like a mess. And fixes herself just incase. Then she leaves her room with her phone. Then along hallway she hurt some commotion coming from the gym.

"God Sungchan don't be such a pussy! Come at me!"

"Shut the fuck up!"

It was just the Jung brothers practicing their combat. Sungchan was trying to punch Jaehyun but kept missing and Jaehyun just wanted to mess with him. Nari entered the gym, and seeing her brothers train made her worried and a bit envious. Due to her fathers rules, she mustn't train, not even for self defense. Only her brothers could. At the same time she didn't want to see her brothers hurting each other.

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