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to say that you was nervous was an understatement, you was happy, excited, nervous, and having all the feelings in the world right now.

You was being reunited with her best friend.

you crush from 12 years ago.

'i wonder how he looks' you think.

before you know it, the plane already landed. gosh, does time pass by so fast?

" baghdad, here we are" you mutter.

" I'll wait outside" you say

" don't you want to see him?" olivia says.

" yeah, in a minute"

*skip scene to where peter is sat in a room with two fancy looking men*

" My resume is hardly traditional, but around these parts traditional increasingly means irrelevant. Hundred billion dollar sunk in infrastructure and you can barely keep the lights on. You need someone to oversee construction on 600 miles of pipeline to carry crude between your fields in Kirkuk and the port of Ceyhan. A job well out of the 'Green Zone', I might add. Well, I'm still alive to do so. You need someone who has a handle on the laws of hydro-dynamic resistance, the heat exchange and oil mixture flows. You'll also need someone who can work with mixed integer programs cause you're gonna have to resize the pipes as you start working across uneven terrain. That is, if you want to keep down the construction costs. Truth is, I need this job as much as you need me to do it. I also speak Farsi. And 600,000 all-in... sounds fair." peter says.

*in the lobby*

" Peter Bishop?" olivia says

" Olivia Dunham, i'm with the FBI"

" Oh" he says

"You've heard of flight 627?"

"The Hamburg flight, of course."

"You may be able to help us with that"

"No, I think you've got the wrong guy."

" Your father is Walter Bishop."

"The last time somebody asked me that it was an accusation."

"Well, he's the man we're looking to speak with, but due to his current status, you're the only one who can provide us access."

"And what possible help could that man be to you? And what is it exactly that you're expecting me to do? Hop on a plane with you back to Massachusetts? I just got here Honey."

"I can have you on a return flight here in four days, but first..."

"Let me save you the time. I'd rather stay here in Iraq. That's how much I want to see my father."

"I'm going to beg you as one human being to another. Your father may be able to save someone who is dying. Someone I care about very much"

"Sweetheart, we all care about someone who is dying. I can't help you, I'm sorry,"

" I know why you're here. I have your file."

"What file?"

"The one the FBI would say doesn't exist. And it has everything. Where you've been, what you're running from. And what you need while you're here. So, either you come with me, or I let certain people know your whereabouts"

"When do we leave?"


" Just great"

" also there's someone here to see you"

"wow, i seem pretty famous huh"

" so who is she"

" her name is agent y/n l/n"

" y/n's here?"

" yeah"

" where?"

" outside"


they walk outside and peter's eyes scan around for you. Then he sees you.

" Peter?" you says. you can see the familiarity in his face.

'omg peter bishop, a face i never thought i would see again' you think

'GOD DAMN' you think.

' i mean before she was cute and now she'' he thinks

" the one and only"

" man i missed you so much, i never thought i'd see you again" you quickly hug him. you thought you would never see him again. The peter bishop.

it felt like you guys hugged each other for forever.

"you look different peter" you say, cupping one of your hands on his face.

you smile when you feel him lean into your touch.

" good different or bad different?" he asks teasingly

" good different" you say. you can't believe this.

" as cute you guys are, we really have to get going.." olivia says.

you just roll your eyes at olivia.

peter just grins.

" alright, lets go" you say.

" lead the way," he says winking at you.

'he is still a dork' you think.

you just smile.

*on the plane ride home*

"Let me ask you something. My father, not my favorite. He is without a doubt the most self-absorbed, twisted, abusive, brilliant, myopic son-of-a-bitch on the planet. So he was a chemist. That much I already know. He worked out of a basement lab in Harvard, doing research for a toothpaste company. I also know that there was an accident at the lab one night, when my father was arrested. Beginning the first truly peaceful period in our home, but here is the thing Olivia, my gut tells me, that your friend's life, the one hanging in the balance, is not going to be saved by a tube of toothpaste" peter says to you and Olivia.

"He worked out of Harvard, but not on toothpaste. He was a part of a classified US Army experimental program called Kelvin Genetics. They gave him the resources to do whatever work he wanted. Which was primarily in an area called "fringe science," olivia says.

you had heard about fringe science years ago when your father and a man explained to you what it was, I think his name was William something. William Bell.

"When you say "fringe science," you mean pseudo-science," peter said

" Yeah, things like mind control, teleportation, astral projection. Invisibility, genetic mutation, re-animation, fertility..." you say.

"Whoa, excuse me for a second. Re-animation, really? So you're telling me... what? My father was Dr. Frankenstein?" he said with widened eyes.

*they arrive at saint claires*

"why don't you guys just go on without me?" peter said.

" you sure?" you say, placing your hand on his shoulder.

"yeah," he sighs.

you sadly smile at him before following olivia now the hall.

"Dr. Bishop, you have special visitors"

" I knew someone would come." he says.

you and olivia enter the cell and walters just stares at you.

"Walter hey, its been awhile..." you say

water just looks at you confused.

" I'm-"

"Y/n l/n, you were friends with peter earlier in his childhood"

"Yeah, its good to see you" you softly smile.

" you as well, y/n"

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