2022 600 Follower Celebration Contest!

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It's finally time! In celebration I will be holding a contest! This contest will be in relation to the What If book I just started publishing and submissions can be in the form of either a written submission or an art submission! And you can do both!

---CONTEST DETAILS---From what I have posted, your task is to take inspiration from one of the What If scenarios I have posted (this includes any future ones before the deadline) and draw or write something relating to it.Examples:You could design Flowerpelt and Thornpelt's kitsORYou could write out a short story about Willowthorn becoming leader. These are just examples, you don't have to do them!If you have any questions, ask me here or on Discord!

---CONTEST GUIDELINES---Please follow the rules carefully or your submission will not be considered.

☆ You can submit 1 writing entry and 1 art entry but you cannot win in both categories☆ It MUST be one of the What If scenarios PUBLISHED in the book. If I release any before the deadline, those work too.☆ Any plagiarism or art theft will NOT be tolerated☆ Please submit your writings in English as it is the only language I speak---HOW TO SUBMIT---You can submit your art the follow ways☆ The contest art entries channel on the Discord server☆ Uploading and tagging me on deivnatART☆ Uploading and tagging me on Twitter☆ Any other website where you can DM me a link to your artYou can submit your writing in the following ways☆ Uploading here on WattPad☆ Sharing a Google Doc with me (DawnfireOfSkyClan@Gmail.com)☆ Submitting to deviantART and tagging me☆ Submitting to any other writing websites and DM me the link☆ Uploading the document files to the writing entries Discord channel.

---PRIZES---2 winners of each place will receive prizes for writing and art respectively


☆ Book cover drawn by me☆ Drawing of an OC of your choice by me
☆ Create and design an upcoming litter of kits in Empty Peace
☆ Add 2 characters to the future Rise of the Clans series.
☆ Art/Story feature in the What If novel with credit
☆ Special Role in the Discord server (if you are a member)

SECOND PLACE☆ Drawing of an OC of your choice by me

☆ Add 1 character to the future Rise of the Clans series.
☆ Art/Story feature in the What If novel with credit
☆ Special Role in the Discord server (if you are a member)


☆ Add 1 character to the future Rise of the Clans series.
☆ Art/Story feature in the What If novel with credit
☆ Special Role in the Discord server (if you are a member)

If I get enough submissions then I will chose a few honorable mentions who will get the following:
☆ Art/Story feature in the What If novel with credit


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