Mistaken Miscommunication

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"Excuse me! hi! Uhm this is my seat." Maria announced. The brunette boy looked up from the rosewood desk and blinked. He was met with a girl clutching her books in her hand with a soft smile placed on her face.

"Oh, sorry." He said with a quick smile. He slid his body out of the chair and plopped down on the opposite one. Maria sat in her reserved seat and turned her body to face him. "Thanks!" Maria tried to say but closed her mouth when the boy released a loud sigh at the exact same moment.

Maria frowned. She turned her knees under her desk and put her focus on the empty area that soon was to be occupied by their teacher Ms. Harper.

Had she done something wrong? Maybe she read the situation wrong. Yeah, perhaps she had. From the corner of Maria's eye, she watched as the boy pulled out his books and school appliances and sat them down quietly.

Maria leaned her back against the chair and slid down an inch. Trilling her lips. Yeah no, totally misunderstood. Maria thought to herself. Maria wanted to ease the grotty feeling she felt deep in her core but it was weighing on her chest.

Maria didn't like the feeling of knowing someone dislikes her. Especially when said thing she had done to make them dislike her was just her being herself.

Maria suddenly had a hypothesis. She'd confront him and apologize. Totally and completely debunk any mythical theories about the affair that happened not too long ago.

Yup, that's exactly what she'd do.

Maria opened up her note book and smiled placing her pencil concretely down on the ruled paper.


There. She spotted him at his locker, head phones on, head ducked in his locker. She smiled and clutched the straps of her bookbag. Conveniently, his locker was right next to hers.

Okay, simple, easy plan.

Maria walked up to him dauntlessly. "Excuse me, hi!" Maria beamed. The boy jumped back. The shocked look on his face was replaced with a charming smile. "Oh, hi." Was all he said. He turned back to his locker and dug his hand back into his locker paying no attention to Maria.

Maria looked around the hall and then back toward the boy. She heard his breath catch.

Did she sense a bit of agitation? Okay, maybe she'd have to go a different route.
"I love your sweater." Maria said surprising herself and the stranger. He peaked his head out of his locker. He wore a surprised look but his eyes brightened tenfold.

"Really? Oh thanks." He said with a sweet smile. He did a quick twirl and dusted off the shoulder of his sweater.

That worked. She mentally applauded herself. "My name is Maria." Maria said, brightly. Sticking her hand out in the space between them. He stared at her hand and bit his lip before sticking out his. "Liam." He said reaching his hand out to shake hers.

Finally, she got somewhere. So all she has to do now is slowly ease the topic of conversation in-

"So, Earlier i-"

"I have to go." Liam announced out of the blue. Maria's eyes went wide at the sudden declaration.

"Wait-" Maria tried to say but Liam had already stormed off. Maria was left gapping in the halls. Well that blows.

She looked around to see if anyone had been watching before turning on her heels and marching away. Not only did Maria feel awkward but embarrassed as well. It seemed that her desperate attempt at trying to dissolve the conflict they had that morning was conflicting itself.

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