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Brielle's POV

I walked into the locker room wondering who I'd become friends with. Honestly, I didn't want to talk, I was tired and wanted to go home, 'just a few more classes' I told myself. I got changed into my gym clothes and walked into the gym.

"Brielle! Over here." Jessica called out to me. "Girl, we are like... class twins," Jessica said while playing with her hair. I just giggled. I wanted to lay down and sleep.

"Girls on volleyball and boys on basketball!" the coach's loud voice engulfed the gym right before blowing the whistle. It made me feel so much better knowing that we are playing volleyball because I was a champ at my old school.

After the coach blew the whistle I was hitting balls like crazy, I didn't even care that most of the girls on my team were just standing around doing nothing. Jessica, a few other girls, and I were scoring a lot of points. A ball was coming right towards me and I smacked it but it flew across the room and smacked a boy in the back of the head. "I'm extremely sorry, it slipped right as I was going to hit it."

The boy turned around fully and I would be lying if I said I didn't find him attractive. He was a tall, black-haired Asian boy with the cutest eyes ever, he had a nice build peeking through his skin-tight shirt. "All forgiven... I'm Mark." the cute boy rubbed the back of his head.

"I'm Brielle..." I smiled and stuck my hand out for a friendly handshake, and took my hand in his while smiling back.

"Brielle, that was crazy." Jessica walked up to me and Mark.

Gotta love her, she's just always... there.

"I was apologizing to Mark." I looked at Jessica.

"Oh, gotcha girl" Jessica smirked as she went away.

"So, are you new here?"

"Yes, my friend Marianne and I just moved here. Quite different than what I'm used to..."

"What, you don't like the rain?" he smirked and I giggled.

"What? Rain is amazing, It's the people here, they are a little... off"

The bell rang, and he started walking with me towards the girls' locker room.

"Well it was a pleasure meeting you Ms. Brielle"

"Pleasures all mine Mr. Mark" I winked before walking into the locker room to change. A permanent smile on my face.

"So Mark is your type?" Jessica asked as we changed our clothes.

"He's charming, I hope we talk again."

"Well, he's a real... party boy"

"Perfect because I'm the definition of party girl" I smirked as I shut my locker.

"Well party girl Bri, want to hang out with the girls after school? I could show you where good food is."

"Uh, sure I would love to go out."

"Okay, look for us in the parking lot, I'm driving."

As we walk out of the gym, we go in different directions.

I quickly remember how tired I was, so I took the liberty of sleeping for my last two hours.

The bell rang the first day of school was finally over, and since Jessica's classroom was right across from mine, she waited outside the door for me.

"You look like you just woke up." "Because I did"

We walked to our lockers and the rest of the girls met us there.

We walked out of the building together but I spotted Marianne and told the girls that I would meet them at the car as I walked over to her.

"Hey Mari I'm going out with the girls, do you want to come?" I asked while just then noticing Jacob was right there.

"Hello, Mr. Competition" "Well hey there Ms. Best friend" He responded before chuckling. Marianne just shook her head "I'm just going to go home." I pouted and nodded "I'll see you when I make it home then." I walked back over to the girls.

"So... your friend and Jacob Black?" Bella asked while looking at Marianne and Jacob through the window as she was getting on the back of his motorcycle.

"Marianne is her name... but yeah they are childhood friends... so, you and Edward?" she looked over at me as we sat in the backseat. "Yeah I mean, look at him" she nodded towards the window on my side. I turned to see him with a group of pale couples, he seemed to be the only lonely one there, but I got chills when I realized he was staring directly at the car like a statue until we pulled off. "...so will he be meeting us for food?" "he'll just be picking me up afterward." I nod and scrolled on my phone until I heard Jessicas' enthusiastic voice announcing our arrival.

"Let's go," Angela said as she opened the door.

We went inside and ate. They weren't lying, the burgers are good, but I've tasted better in Michigan.

I noticed Bella didn't eat much, she kept looking outside the window and was very quiet. As soon as that silver car pulled up, she got up and said farewell, and left. After Edward opened the car door for Bella I noticed him staring into my soul again, it seemed intense.

"Is it just me or does Edward seem a little... off?" I asked and Angela giggled. "I'm pretty sure everyone thinks that way about the Cullens." "Yeah like, the whole family just creeps everyone out, but they are hot," Jessica added.

I just get the feeling that if Bella, out of all people is with him, then he can't be that bad. But I can't ignore that she's a little weird too.

The girls and I go to a boutique store and get a few dresses to kill time, it started to rain on the way to the store which made it difficult for me to stay awake, given that the sound of rain was putting me in a peaceful state.

"Are you sure that blue dress didn't make me look fat?" Jessica Questioned me and Angela for the third time. "I'm sure, you looked fine," Angela reassured her. "Yes Jess, you looked amazing," I added before yawning.

"Yeah we should call it a night, I'm tired also" Angela agreed with my yawning.

I was the first stop, and I couldn't wait to shower. "Bye, I had lots of fun today... thank you for inviting me out." I thanked them before getting out of the car and rushing into the house.

"Did you have fun?" Elaine asked when I entered the living room. "Yes, I made some good friends today, I'm very tired though," I told her as I bent down to couch level to hug her.


"Goodnight Bri," she smiled up at me.

I took a long warm shower and got in bed while waiting for Marianne to make it back home, but I must've fallen asleep because I opened my eyes to her calling my name.....


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