The Game Dude

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Hey everyone, it's Alexander4488- you know what? No, this isn't Alexander4488. This is Alexander Jared Hans Badr. This is not a joke, I, once the Game Dude am making a video. Now, I wouldn't expect videos on this channel, I have no intention of continuing the Game Dude show at any point.

The reason why I'm making this video is mostly in response to people who have discussed me, people like OkFineBeThatWay and Mister Metokur. This goes out to people who knew me, knew me for my past or came from either YouTuber that covered me. If you're expecting me to be teary-eyed or whatever, nothing ever got far enough to warrant it and I'm gonna save that other thing in particular to the end. I'm gonna tell you about my past from my perspective, clear up any questions people have, I may not apologize for what I've been accused of or actually did, I'm gonna tell you how it happened for me and be as honest as possible.

I guess the best place to start was my old reviews. Let me say this, I had no clue what I was doing in hindsight. I took what I learned at school, I tried to make it funny, I took things too far when responding to criticism and... I dunno. I think people know exactly how the Nerd thing went, and, I'm not proud of it in the slightest. I had gone about the whole nerdspired thing because, I felt like people were going to give me shit no matter what, so I wanted to make it clear where my inspiration was coming from, like, I can't do something original, but if I frame it like a tribute then hopefully people would understand where my intentions lied. Obviously it didn't work, either my videos really did suck, or perhaps AVGN fans were just not willing to accept another angry nerd.

A good thing I can say though, people have vouched for James Rolfe acknowledging me, I had contacted him as the Game Dude, someone referred to me by my username which was never shared. But, since it's inconsequential now you can come to your own conclusions on that.

Now for some of you wondering, why did I use my YouTube username for my username on a foreskin restoration forum? I made that account in 2007, I made my YouTube in 2008. I had no idea my channel would get the attention it did, and I really didn't know people could search me up by username. That's on me.

With my videos in mind, let's go over the spamming. I went into this with no idea how to get my content out there, and promoting myself seemed like a good idea at the time. I guess I was ignorant to the concept of spamming, look, I don't know why I did most of what I did, it happened, and I'm admitting to so.

I can't explain it, so let's get into the revisions and my deal with ratings. I had a philosophy, where if my reviews could not score three and a half stars or above, back in the days of star ratings, then it was a failure and I had to do it over again. I figured, well okay people have issues with my reviews, perhaps I can apply whatever criticisms they had and better improve my videos. Let me put it like this, nobody watches a review with mediocre ratings, they would assume the content itself is not worth any time, and the channel would suffer for it. That's what was going through my head at that point.

But because people hated me at the time, and me alienating the few fans I had, my reviews would get low ratings regardless, and that never dawned on me.

Then there's the content of my reviews, from the weird moments to how I go about covering games. It was around the time Irate Gamer covered Super Mario Bros. 2 and got in trouble for it. I didn't want to make the same mistakes, so I had to do the opposite and establish more popular games as those classified as good. And I just want to say, new games, well new for the time, deviate so heavily from what they were known for, I'd say what I had regardless, but I tried to be funny about it, and I guess my sense of humor wasn't something people picked up on. Not to mention, making fun of modern adaptations of popular franchises wasn't something the nerd did, at least not at the time, so I though that would be something I could take on and consider my own, I'm a gaming geek who is frustrated with the state of beloved franchises.

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