Sorting hat

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Jane pov
a week had passed and the three of us had to board the train. I couldn't get the teacher out of
my head. His blood was singing to me.

"What house do you think where all going to be in?" Sara said as you he Tain started to move. " I have no doubt that Jane will be a Slytherin" Tanner said.

"and I think you would be in Slytherin or ravenclaw Tanner" i said. "Sara I would say you would be a Slythern" Tanner said.

The train stop and we were lead into the castle and walking into to the great hall. Everyone one around is we're in shock with the candle flouting in the sky and the roof looking like the night sky.

One by one we start to get sorted our house until it was just my sisters and myself.

We were all happy when we got sorted into Slythern but the was a hat stall for all of use Sara almost being sorted into Ravenclaw.

I looked over at the teacher from earlier and could still feel his blood tempting me to attack him.

" we all should all go hunting soon as everyone also" I heard Tanner say in a low voice one for Sara and i to hear.

I nodded as we pretended to eat the food in front of us.

"why is that teacher staring at us" I looked over and notice it was the say teacher who blood that call out to me and quickly looked away.

When were let go and were you went to the common room waiting for everyone to go to bed so we could slip out without being noticed.

We traveled to the nearest town find three drunk man walking towards us and hitting on us. " they look lovely ir the perfect choice if we let them live they only rape and kill the woman they walk into" Sara said show us her vision.

Tanner and I nodded in agreement and we took them out and burned  their bodies.

"The sun coming up we better get back before we are noticed missing" Tanner said.

We arrived just as everyone start to wake up and start to go to the great hall for breakfast but we skipped and start to prepare for our first class but was on edge and it was postions. If there is a god he hate me right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2023 ⏰

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