The Wilf | 1

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"Ah, the relentless sea strikes again. That's the second one this week. Mother nature sure is fightin'."

Captain Jon Jones. He's always out on the water in his ship. He's lucky she's still floating after all the years of weather that she's had to endure. An old boat for sure, but a mighty fine one at that.

"She sure is, Captain. But why does she have to make such a storm today of all days," my friend, Jessie asks Captain Jon with honestly. Jessie interesting person. They don't care what you call them, but will take offense to being called smart. It's quite funny, actually. They come up with a genius plan? Call them a genius and you're in for a laugh. Jessie's a jokester alright.

"Because she hates that whale, that's why!" Ah, Billy. Billy, Billy, Billy Bill Bill. That man...he's a real pain in the ass. Always making up shit to scare us so we do less work.

"Oh shut it, Billy. No one believes that stupid whale story anyway."

"Don't be a sour puss, Jess. I saw her with my own eye. The most ugly yet captivating creature in the ocean."

"Okay, we get it. You love your wife, now stop calling her a whale." This causes the Captain and I to start to laugh. Billy gets upset, but that's understandable.

"Oh, come on, Captain! Not you. Y/n, stop laughing and get your wild friend back in line."

I stop laughing and catch my breath and I look in his eyes and give him a smile. "No.~"

"You little..."

Captain Jon calms himself and stops Billy from speaking. "No, no. Y/n's fine. Let them be. Jessie, stop antagonizing Billy. Y/n, you're on dinner duty."

My smile falters. "I'm sorry?"

"You're on dinner duty tonight. Best get started before the storm gets worse."

"But I did that last night!"

"And you're doing it tonight again. Good luck, kid."

"But-!" It was too late. Captain Jon walked away with Jessie and Billy behind off to prepare for the night and get the other crew members on land. Reluctantly, I grabbed some bait, fishing poles, spears, and a few other things to catch tonight's meal.

The storm was starting to clear when I got to the fishing spot, so it would make my job easier. But that's when I saw her...the most beautiful creature that I've ever seen...

A whale lady...?

The Wilf (Milf whale x reader)Where stories live. Discover now