Unconditional | horsieteukie | ao3 & aff

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"Chullie... Chullie... Where are we going? Chullie~" Leeteuk cooed out adorably as he settled into the front passenger seat of Heechul's car, his eyes comically wide in curiosity and trained on
Heechul's face. Heechul had forgotten how much of an endearing little handful Leeteuk was whenever he got drunk, not that he minded anyway. Leeteuk rarely got the time to shove away all his inhibitions and let loose. Also, Leeteuk's antics whenever he got drunk were just... utterly
precious and Heechul loved to witness them. That one time Leeteuk burst into tears thinking he
killed a tomato when he poked it with a fork and caused the juice to ooze out truly took the cake.

Usually, Leeteuk wouldn't be the one getting drunk off his ass. That usually was Heechul's job.
Leeteuk didn't even enjoy drinking, always excusing himself by saying he hated the feeling of
being drunk. Still, Leeteuk would be the life of the party, whether drunk or not, suggesting games for everyone to play and rallying everyone to sing (more like scream out) songs from the top of their lungs. Going out with Leeteuk was always a blast.

However, Leeteuk could not escape getting drunk this time. Today, the members took the
opportunity to gather a few days after Leeteuk's birthday to celebrate Leeteuk's (mainly) and
Heechul's birthday. The members made it their personal mission to ensure that Leeteuk would
stumble out of the bar they visited as an intoxicated man. They touted that it was going to be one of the last times Leeteuk was socially allowed to "let loose and get hammered from partying hard" (as if Leeteuk ever did that in his daily life.) Heechul had chosen to drive to the place that night so he refrained from accepting any drinks and strictly stuck to plain water.

Heechul witnessed the members all offering shots to Leeteuk to make a toast to Leeteuk's second twenties (or whatever nonsensical phrase Leeteuk had come up with to make himself feel better about growing older) and was relieved that he had opted out of drinking. It seemed that he would be the one taking care of Leeteuk tonight. Not that Heechul minded, not when Leeteuk had always watched over Heechul and cleaned up after him since their trainee days. Heechul could do it just this once when Leeteuk had done so for him probably over a thousand times.

Admittedly, Heechul could see the perks Leeteuk often boasted of reaping from staying sober. People-watching was very entertaining. He could observe how the others acted more freely and
truly experience the moment rather than get lost in it. He could notice all the little quirks Leeteuk had whenever he was drunk. How he'd scrunch his nose up after throwing back a shot while furrowing his eyebrows and pouting from the harsh taste of alcohol. How he'd trail off endlessly about random memories and anecdotes he had of the other members, except he'd tell these tales even more exaggeratedly, hands flying everywhere as he explained. How he'd fall silent and just nod his head cutely if a song he liked started playing rather than party on the dance floor as he preferred to sit at the side. Standing up made Leeteuk dizzy if he was already inebriated. It was kind of cute that Leeteuk knew how to make his experience feeling drunk less miserable for himself.

Heechul sat by Leeteuk's side the entire time, making sure to order some water for Leeteuk to chug down as well such that Leeteuk wouldn't be absolutely plastered by the end of the night. Sure, he wanted his friend to get drunk, not suffer from alcohol poisoning. Leeteuk obediently drank all the water that Heechul gave him, and Heechul made sure to guide Leeteuk to the toilet somewhere in the middle of the members' intense drinking session. Heechul felt slightly proud of himself for how well he was taking care of Leeteuk.

When it was the wee hours in the morning and the only patrons left were pretty much just the members and managers who were longtime friends, Heechul felt a gentle tug on his shirt's sleeve. He turned away from his casual conversation with one of the managers to find Leeteuk pouting at him cutely, puppy eyes completing the whole "please accede to my demands" look.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2022 ⏰

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