Chapter 1

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Joshua Campbell, my best friend of ten years, is finally getting married. The wedding is in two days and I got here early to help him get everything ready. As I pull into the parking lot of the venue I see Josh waving at me ecstatically. His enthusiasm makes me giggle. As I gather all of my things to get out of the car I hear him come up and open my door.

"Nikki, thank god you're here. This place is absolutely crazy. They keep talking about where to put people, flowers and even chairs. I feel like I'm talking in circles." I chuckle at his overwhelmed state. I climb out of my car and give him a hug as he continues his speech. "I'm serious! They're using all of these words and I have no idea what they're talking about." He gives a fake cry at the end to try to sell it more, making me laugh again. I remove myself from the hug and look at him in a way that implies I already know the answer to the question I'm about to ask.

"Josh, have you paid any attention to the planning your poor wife has been doing for this wedding? Ana has barely slept in days because she's so excited." Josh rolled his eyes, knowing I knew the answer was no.

"Nicole Stewart, you act like I know anything about this stuff." I chuckled at his answer.

"And that's why I'm here to help, so your poor wife has someone to trust so she can rest." He pulls me towards where I can only assume is where Ana is.

"Yes, that's why I said thank god, duh." He let go of my arm once I was able to keep pace and continued to his destination. "Oh, I forgot to mention that Ana has a Man of Honor."

"Oh. Did she do that to follow the theme of you having a Best Woman?"

"Absolutely not. I actually insisted she have a Maid of Honor because she mentioned trying to be traditional when we were thinking about everything but after I decided I really wanted you she decided it would be better that way anyways since her best friend is a guy."

"Huh, that's really cool. I'm assuming he'll wear a tux since I'll be in a dress?"

"Well, yeah. Why wouldn't he be?"

"Wasn't sure if that's what he preferred."

"I forgot you haven't met him yet. I think you'll really like him. He's really quiet but hilarious." We reach a door and he opens it and gestures for me to go first. I nod my head as a thank you as I walk in and he comes in behind me. My eyes slowly adjust to the darkness of the indoors as I begin to look around the room. My eyes land on Ana and I go to give her a hug.

"Ana, my girl, how are you!?" She turns to see me and gets a big smile on her face. She gets up and begins to meet me halfway.

"Oh Nikki, thank god you're here!" We meet, embrace and I laugh.

"You know, your husband said the exact same thing." Ana laughs.

"I'm not surprised. The guy's creativity is next to non-existent." I chuckle and give her a tighter hug before letting go.

"So, how can I help you two love birds out?" She waves her hand, brushing off my question.

"We'll worry about that later, first I need you to meet my Man of Honor." She turns towards the back of the room where there is a set of doors. "Robert! Where are you? Come here!" Her yell was followed by a few seconds of silence and then a reply followed.

"Anastasia, how many times do I have to tell you that just because it's your wedding doesn't mean you get to use my full name!" I giggle at the response. Josh was right, he is funny. Soon out walks a man I've seen so many times in my life I've only dreamt of a moment of getting to meet him. Robert Burnham. I bite my lip in excitement. I have to calm down.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2022 ⏰

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