Chapter 32

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Trigger warning: torture and death. 

Wolf's POV

 Dreams and nightmares are thought to be complete opposites. I rarely dream, but when I do, there is a clear line between good and bad dreams. However, the past twelve hours have felt like a fairytale and a nightmare all at once. The fact that CC is now in my arms, safe and alive, makes this feel like a dream I never thought would come true. But, seeing the physical and mental condition she is in is a real-life nightmare. 

She tried so hard to hold herself together yesterday, but once she saw herself in the mirror, the cracks finally broke open. As painful as it was to watch last night, I know she has to process what happened in order to try and put it behind her. 

This leads me to where I am now, holding her while she snores lightly, and I am terrified to fall asleep. As I watch her slow breaths, I am afraid to fall asleep and awake only to learn this has been a dream, a really great dream. She is safe, she is alive, she is here. But more importantly, I am afraid to fall asleep in case she needs me. Nightmares have always plagued her sleep, and after the hell she endured, I can only imagine they will worsen. Besides that, what if I fall asleep and accidentally hurt her? So it's just better for me to stay awake and watch her, for both of our sakes. 

"Now who's being creepy and watching the other sleep?" CC jokes in a sleep-filled voice. 

"How are you feeling?" I ask as she tries to readjust herself. 

"I'm better," she smiles and we both know I am asking about more than her physical health. 

"You need anything?" 

"I have to pee," she says as I help her sit up, and then she limps to the bathroom. Once she safely makes it into the bathroom and closes the door, my cell phone rings. I know who is on the other line and I know what they want, I am just not sure I can leave her yet. 

"Yeah," I say into the phone. 

"Bullet has tried to patch him up but we don't think he'll last another day. You need to get to the shop so we can finish this once and for all," Blade states through the phone. 

"I don't want to leave her, Prez." 

"Grace and Amber will be with her the whole day. He is your brother and that is your girl, you wouldn't be able to live with yourself if you weren't the one to take care of it," he reasons and he's completely right. I have to be the one that watches the life drain from his eyes. I deserve that much. 

"I'll meet you there in 30," I finally say and end the call. 

"You going with the rest of the boys?" CC asks from the doorway of the bathroom. Shit, I really hoped she wouldn't hear any of this. 

"I won't leave if you don't want me to," I respond, easing into this conversation. 

"Did you miss the part where I took out both of his kneecaps yesterday?" she laughs. 

"Oh, I was very much there," I laugh a little in response. I still cannot believe she was able to do all of that after the hell he put her through. 

"Then you should know that I want you to go. I got my justice, you need to get yours." 

"Okay, Grace and Amber will be with you today, I don't know how long this will take." 

"That's fine, I'll probably sleep most of the day anyway," she says but I can tell she has more to say, "I decided I'm going to take a leave of absence from work for a month or two. I can blame my injuries on a car accident and get Bear to forge the documents needed for work. Is that okay?" 

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