Chapter 3 - New people, new life

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What did Shamz get me into? I didn't want to have to work for Josh to talk to me, I'm not that type of girl. But ughh, Shamz just got me so caught up in the moment and now I can't back down cause I'm in too far, I thought as I walked down the hallway with Joshua's best friend Randy.

"So Katy, what are you doing after school?" Randy said, snapping me out of my daydream.

"Ohhh you know, the usual stuff . . .homework." I said quickly, looking away embarressed.

"Well you know, since you're trying to get Josh's attention, why don't you come to the bowling club today. We're all going and you can talk with Josh. Oh and your friend Shamz can come too."

" W-w-what? I'm n-not, why w-would I ... uhh."

"Don't worry Katy, he's needs you to give him an ego check. I think it's cool that you like him. He likes you too, you know. He just needs a push and that's what we're gonna do."

"R-really. He likes me! Wow thanks Randy, I'll see you guys tonight then. Text me the details okay. Oh and do you mind if I bring one more person?" I asked.

Yessssss, my life is actually going somewhere!!!! I thought excitedly.

"Sure the more the merrier" he said, as he walked out the door to his car.

I am so happy right now, I could actually do a happy dance. I raced home, eager to tell Sonya and Shamz the news.

To - Sonya-dahling and Shamz//babeees\\

Katy: Guess wut!!!

Sonya: You aced your chem test?

Shamz: You actually got boobs?

Katy: Haha ur so funny shamz. at least i dont go sticking my d's in everybodys face. And sonya, even better.

Shamz: sweety if you got em, flaunt em.

Katy: so should i come to school in a thong and short skirt  tmwr? ill bend ova infronta every guy nd tht'll sure flaunt my big ass right?

Sonya: ur both hilarious, now wats the big news.

Katy: we're going bowling tonigt at 7 with Josh and his buddies!!!!!


Sonya: OMG r u srs? Shit man! why 2nite??

Katy: dont tell me you cant cum

Shamz: hehe cum ;)

Sonya: rlly shamz? and i got a hugeeee law mock court session tmwr. i gotta prep or imma gonna lose the trial and its worth 50% of my final mark.

Katy: Awhhh man! kay shamz come to my house asap. we needa get dressed.

Shamz: there in 5.

I threw my phone on my bed and ran downstairs, eagerly waiting for Shamz to come. Gosh what am I going to wear? I wanna look casual but dressy. But I don't want it to be obvious that I'm trying. Tonight Joshua and I will talk and actually have a proper conversation face to face.

I peeked through the window looking for Shamz's sleek black car.

I sighed, wishing I was lucky enough to drive.


I opened the door.

"Knock any harder and you'll break my door smarty". I said, trying to sound sassy.

"Oh", Shamz replied with a sheepish grin on her face.

We both raced to my closet and starting picking out clothes.

"This shirt would look nice"

"Nah too plain"

"What 'bout this one?"

"I've worn that to school before"

"Ugh than just pick one already. Here wear this one." she said handing me a quarter sleeve printed shirt."

"No wait--" I said digging into the back of my closet. I pulled out a sort sleeved, printed shirt with cut outs. Not to casual or dressy. It's perfect.

6:53 pm. We rushed to pull on our clothes and Shamz fixed my hair so it looked semi decent. I grabbed a bag and my phone before racing out the door.

Shameena speeded down the streets. 7:12 pm.

"Don't rush yourself, we're already late." I said.

She turned to me with this crazy determined look in her eyes.

"Look there's an empty parking space over there" I said quickly.

"Oh no that's my parking spot." Shamz cursed as she saw another car approaching.

And like a madwoman she jerked the car into the parking spot, cutting off the other car and escaping a collision from an inch.

"Are you fucking crazy?" we heard the driver of the other car swearing at us loudly.

Oh no. I know that voice. I turned around slowly to see Josh's hard blue eyes glaring at us.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2013 ⏰

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