{1} The departure

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Ileane Sloane Aldine POV:

Standing there alone, it became clear what I needed to do.

I stand weakly on bodies of sand, sand that once covered not only my body but all the warriors who fought for freedom during this war. Kingdoms used to stand here, where allies in Congress discussed problems within their government. It was my home.

I muster up the strength to continue walking through these recently broken-down ruins, smoke fills the air as the fire that surrounds me is nowhere close to its death.

My mind is set on the thought of getting to the main hall where an escape route is built underneath, the only problem is that I have no clue where I am currently, all the landmarks that I studied to remember my way around this city are gone, razed and left for dust.

I tighten my grip that is around my torso, where I was stabbed by an enemy warrior, blood and sweat staining my clothing, and my hair sticks to my face and neck. My body is beaten and hurt from a fall off a palace that I promised to keep safe but failed miserably.

I walk further, past more dead bodies and rubble. I can only sense that this is the start of a very long and tiring adventure that I do not want to endure anymore. I want to go back into the past and change what happened, change what had to have happened because of a stupid mistake, a mistake that I will never make again.

Tears prick my eyes from the memories but I stay brave as I continue walking. My legs wobble from the impact I took when landing on the vendor's carts underneath the palace, as everyone screamed and ran away from the yells inside the golden palace. The streets are filled with enemies killing and slashing their way towards the palace entrance which is littered with Deserta kingdom guards, and my fellow warriors.

I take turns left and right trying to spot the tall blue oval building which contains the main hall underneath it but I can only imagine that it's destroyed and gone. I tie the handkerchief tighter around my mouth to not breathe into much smoke.

My eyes leave a sting behind and with that, I can finally see the half-broken-down hall, the oval building that once stood tall now littered the roofs of the neighbouring houses. I drag myself to the door that still stands by its hinges. I push open the door and one side fall off its hinges, leaving a loud thud echoing through the deserted streets. I look back towards the palace that bearly stands and I promise to return to get my revenge on the enemies that destroyed the place where I would live happily.

I walk further into the hall and closer to the basement where the secret escape route lies. I climb over pieces of wood and tiles that break down from the stunning ceiling collapsing. I eventually reach the walkway that leads down, I extend my arm for the wall as it's my only source of balance.

With the loss of so much blood, I am starting to get dizzy and weaker. My body feels tired and I need a nap that might last for eternity if I don't get bandaged up soon. I walk further down and am met with the trap door already open, either someone already went through the escape route or they came through the escape route. This could be where the enemy warriors entered the city as the walls surrounding Deserta, are always covered with the best warriors.

I take a lit-up torch from the wall next to the stairs that lights this little room. I tear a long piece of fabric off my jacket and tighten it around my torso, the fabric sticks to me due to the blood and sweat so I cover it up with my tank top. I slowly climb down the trap doors and the silence fills my ears instantly. I can only crouch or leopard crawl down this path as it's so tight and small.

I crawl further and further in hopes of getting to the end of this tunnel soon.

257 Days before the present day

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