Keeping My Cool

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   Lol this song is really girly for this being a boys Point of View .. well a homosexual boy so .. NEVERMIND lol. :)

   "Fucking finally!" I yelled as we threw our senior caps in the air. The Principle then announced one last speech for us to follow our dreams and be successful in life. I of course tuned him out, and was thinking towards my 18th birthday which was tomorrow. I was just excited to finally leave my parents house. 

   "Well," our principle Mrs.McGibbins said with a teary voice, "this is the last time I will see any of you. And I want to wish you all good luck." And with that she and the rest of the schools crappy teachers walked off the stage. Crying. 

   I scoffed, she didn't care for the Seniors when she cancelled their prom? Or when she didn't take us on a Senior Field Trip. Yeah, she really loves us. I got up, and walked out of the stuffy gymnasium. I hate this school, and everyone in it. 

   I looked over my shoulder and almost died in my place when I saw a hysterical mother and a sympathetic father walking my way. "Oh Kendall! You are officially a adult!" My mother sobbed into my shoulder. 

   "Now honey, you are probably embarrassing him in front of his friends." My dad put simply. 

   "What friends?" I asked amused. My mother looked at me skeptically.

   "What friends?" She copied. "Don't tell me that you went through your Senior year as the 'Reject Kid', now did ya Ken?" My mother asked horrified. I just sighed, and let my eyes drop to the floor.

   "I was and always will be the kid who really didn't want anyone to bother him with fake Senior mellow drama about how or when someone got laid. Okay?" I told her. She just nodded and replied with, "Point taken." 

   I did, though, want to go see a certain teacher who helped me out through a lot. "Mother, Father, I will be right back. Meet ya in the car?" They nodded in response. As I walked down the dreary and boring grey hallway. I think about what I am going to do for right now. Or what I am going to do tomorrow, I all ready know what I am doing tomorrow. I am moving in with my brother Austin. And trust me, I am going to love that ... hopefully. 

   I am stopped in my tracks by the dick quarterback of the football team. He looks down at me, and looks from left to right as if he was about to hurt pride itself. "Look, Kendall, I haven't always been nice to you. I may have trashed all of your music demos, and threw all of your schoolwork and books out the bus window. But, I want to apologize for everything." He said, and scratched the back of his head. "I just didn't want to leave out of here on a bad note, Y'know?" He asked. I nodded, and he held out his hands as if sealing the deal, of me not getting a gun one day and hunting down all of my high school bullies. 

   "I am sorry, that I put 14 gallons of green slime in your locker." I said, and sighed. Then walked away. I heard him go, 'Huh?' in the background. I walked all the way to room 235. I stepped in and there she was, Mrs.Kelter. She is in her late 40's, and she has helped me through a lot, from suicidal thoughts to financial aid. Like when I got my books thrown out the bus window, she paid for my replacements. 

   "Hey young lady." I greeted. She turned towards me and shook her head.

   "Boy, what have I told you about calling me that? It's inappr-"

    "-opriate for school. I know." I finished. "But guess what? I am a freshly graduated Senior, and I am not in school anymore." I said with a large grin. "So, what's happening. Young Lady." I said putting empathises on the words 'young lady'. 

   "Nothing, about to leave since I only teacher Senior classes, they are letting me and the other Senior teacher go home. Because we don't have anymore classes to teach. But, unfortunately I have to come back tomorrow." She said and stuck her tongue out after she said, 'unfortunately'. 

   "That sucks big balls." I said. She grunted a laugh. "Well the parents are waiting for me, so I must be on my way." I said, I went over to hug her.

   She hugged me tight, and whispered, "If you ever need anything at all, you know where Todd and I live." Then she let me go. I nodded. Then left, shedding an unwanted tear in the process. 

   I made it to the car, and slid in. "Let's leave this wasteland." I encouraged. I swear I heard my dad say, "Hallelujah."

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