Chapter 3

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(Nicki P.O.V)
"Oh my god what is this marvelous thing and how in the world u made this," I asked in shock. 

"Well, this is our big studio with our personal stuff like the Jordan wall over here any sneakers you want if you can find your size. Over here this is our studio with beats headphones here and our beats stuff Miles is the one who knows about that stuff. Over here our choreography room a big room for us to practice dance moves that Orion makes. Here is our quiet room for Aj to write lyrics and stuff. This is all partly yours when you need some time to yourself after school, during lunch at any time just come here it helps" Omarion explained 

"How did you guys get the room in here," I asked 

"well, the room was here we just upgraded it" Miles answered.

"Oh alright, so you guys are sure I can come here whenever I want?" 

"Yea at whatever time," they all said in Union.

"Alright so can we get to making music cause I heard there was gonna be this talent thing on in 3 weeks," I asked them

"Oh yea there is a talent show and we have been the champions 3 years in a row ever since we got here we have won every time.this is our final year and since we got you here I think we can make this the biggest and the best performance we have ever done. I mean it is out last one after all." Miles adds. Then the bell rings. 

"Well we gotta go to class cause I really don't wanna miss one more of Mr.Johns classes cause I'm gonna fail if I do" Orion says. 

"For real we gonna meet here tomorrow at shop alright I have something new I want us to go over we have to decide what we doing for the talent show" Aj said as he looks to the room again. 

"Oh by the way Nicki if you wanna come in here the code it 10702" Aj tells me. 

"Alright so we're you going beautiful what class" Omarion asks. 

"I'm going to Mr. Ramirez class" I answer 

"Oh for real I'm going to that class to see now I can take you and sit by you since it still is your first day" he says with a cheesy smile but it was still cute. 

"What ever Omari if we don't get going we gonna be late to class" I say trying to change the topic. 

"Your right and since we don't wanna be late I can carry you to class right" he adds 

"No Omari we gonna be late" I tell him trying to get through the door but he stays blocking it.

"Nope Nicki we gonna walk together then come one let me hold your hand" he ask 

"no Omarion come on we really gonna be late" I say almost whining at this point. 

"Damn bae not even letting me hold your hand to class we was suppose to be sweet not salty" he said

"Bae? Omarion since when am I your bae" I ask 

"Ever since I saw you you were my bae that's how it works Nicki" he tells me while walking away. I go after him cause I really don't know we're this class is. 

"Omarion you gonna take me to class or nah" I ask 

"Only if I get to hold your hand bae" he says while still walking 

"Fine Omari but just this once alright" I say as he grabs my hand and turns the other way. 

"Why was we going the wrong way" I ask Omari 

"Cause I knew you was going to follow me and I wanted to hold your hand for longer" he tells me with a smirk and he blows me a kiss. 

"OMARION" I here a girl scream

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