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I looked at how the yellow sky and the pink clouds changed color to blue and white I have never seen white clouds, how strange I thought , how long i been falling, thats have been .I received the impact on the head ,oh what a pain I think I'm going to take a re-


What is that sound?. 

I decided to open my eyes to see what produced that sound and see where I fell, 


 apparently it is a forest it was very greenish although you could tell by the wind that the weather changed , before I could continue admiring the beautiful place I had to find out where that sound came from so I looked around to see a furry creature on the ground obviously it wasn't a balisco since this one has fur maybe it's a baby manticore .. it's to much different anymore-


wait maybe but I've only seen them on papyrus mmm maybe if I talked to they

'Hello, little one, I have a question, are you a squirrel?' I told the creature to see how it just stared at me, maybe they don't speak, they will be the same as fairies?


said again what I think is a squirrel.

'I'm sorry I don't understand you but if you insert a movement maybe I'll understand'

'skuitit' he said and then began to wait

'so if you're a squirrel' 'sKuIT' 'a ok then you don't have a name or 'SKUIT' 'a ok do you want a name?' Sssquitt' 'amm well what about cas' 'skyyt' ok ok I understand  mayde asteroid' 'RRR' 'ok ok you don't have to be wild, or I heard mom say it such and such Aaizaimer I think that's how it is said, but because is long I'll tell you Aim 'SKUIT' 'ok I'm glad you like it Aim'.

ok everything is fine I just need to know where I will spend the night mmm maybe in a tree or I don't know

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