falling from the goddamn sky

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" shit " Ash mumbles to himself as he shoves his phone into the pocket of his shorts. He had let some of his real self show. ash let out a frustrated breath " imma go out for a walk" he mutters to himself. Ash writes a note to tell prof. kukui that he's going to be out for a while, he didn't text him because he doesn't want to look at his phone right now." hey rotom imma be out for a bit. watch the pokemon will ya." " Sure ash," says the perky Pokedex. Ash smiles weakly and walks out the door. 

( time skip cuz im pure shit  ash is in a random forest)

way to go ash way to screw everything up. it's not his fault he has a thing for guys. isn't it though ... " arggh both of you shut up," Ash says out loud to the voices in his head. he decides to look on the internet on how to come out to friends and being the dumbass that he is runs into an eggxecutor's tail and get flung ''fuck not again'' he yells. Ash starts to see land and drops his phone "oh shit" The young man closes his eyes tight as he braces for impact, but instead of hitting the cold hard ground he feels something else. "At this point I'm not even surprised" Ash heard a familiar voice say. Ash opens his eyes and sees Gladion, Ash's eyes go wide in realization and he quickly jumps out of the boy's arms. "Gladion, it's been awhile" Ash says with a slight blush. The older male chuckles and nods his head. " I'm surprised you haven't challenged me to a Pokémon battle yet. Is something wrong?" Gladio looks in to Ash's chocolate eyes and notices there's not the usual spark of excitement in them. "Oh I'm fine" Ash chuckles sheepishly. "Liar" Gladion folds his arms, he can see right through Ash's lie."Oh I just dropped my phone on the fly over" Gladion reaches into his pocket "this phone?" He says slyly pulling out Ash's phone. Ash began to speak, but Gladion had stopped him. "It fell on my head, shortly before you fell" a simple oh is all that Ash could manage. Gladion hands the phone to Ash, "thank you" Gladion has never seen this side of Ash, whoses usually reckless and rowdy, this was different he was quiet and think about something.  Fortunately Gladion knew what was going on, due to the fact when he got Ash's phone its browser was opened. "Ash you busy right now?" He asked "no why" "you'll  see" Gladion begun to walk towards a town, and nodded for Ash to follow. Ash ran up and walked side by side, with his friend.

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